

What is dizziness? When you are dizzy, you may feel: What is the difference between dizziness and vertigo? It feels such as you or objects around you are: How common is dizziness? What are the Symptoms of dizziness? People who are dizzy may experience various sensations, involving: Often, dizziness is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or…

Todd's Paralysis
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Todd’s Paralysis

Introduction Cause Epidemiology Pathophysiology What is main Todd’s paralysis disease? Symptoms Evaluation Treatment of Todd’s Paralysis A person with epilepsy may be able to tell when they are about to have a main seizure. This awareness is known as a warning and aura. It may also involve: Differential Diagnosis Non-convulsive status epilepticus: Usually occurs after…


Central Nervous System Vasculitis (Cerebral vasculitis)

Central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis identifies that blood vessel walls in the brain and spine are inflamed (swollen). This inflammation may be caused by different types of conditions and illnesses. CNS vasculitis is serious but treatable. What is vasculitis? What is central nervous system vasculitis? Central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis is inflammation of blood vessel…

broca's aphasia

Broca’s Aphasia

What is Broca’s aphasia? What are the symptoms of Broca’s aphasia? Symptoms of Broca’s aphasia involve: What are the causes of Broca’s aphasia? Causes involve: What are the Diagnosing of Broca’s aphasia? What is the treatment for Broca’s aphasia? Here are certain techniques you can use: Other tips for communication involve: Physiotherapy treatment Can you…

Postherpetic neuralgia

Post-herpetic Neuralgia

Post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) is the most usual complication of shingles. If a person had chickenpox, the person will always have the virus in their body. Sometimes the virus becomes active further, causing shingles followed by PHN. Vaccines may prevent both chickenpox and shingles. Pain-relieving medications may manage symptoms. For most individuals, PHN improves over a…

Superior Rectus Palsy
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Superior Rectus Palsy

What is Superior rectus palsy? Superior rectus palsy is a disorder associated with dysfunction of the cranial nerve 3rd (oculomotor nerve), which is responsible for causing contraction of the superior rectus muscle’s to perform the primary action of elevating the eye, causing the cornea to roll superiorly (i.e., turn upward). The inability of an eye…