
Poor Posture

Poor posture results from certain muscles tightening up or shortening while others outstretch and become weak, which frequently occurs as a result of one’s daily activities. It may lead to pain, injury, or other health-related problems. There are different factors that can have an impact on posture, including occupational activities and biomechanical factors similar to…

Sway back
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Sway Back Posture

What is a Sway Back posture? The sway back posture ā€” casually called the ā€˜lazy postureā€™, is identified by shoulders and chest leaning backward position, with hips turned in and pelvis and chin thrust forward. Swayback posture is a particular type of poor posture that frequently leads to lower back pain. People who exhibit swayback…

Lumbar lordosis
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Lumbar Lordosis

What is Lumbar Lordosis? The lumbar spine help your body: How to check Lumbar Lordosis? Common causes of Lumbar Lordosis What Are the Symptoms of Lumbar Lordosis? Lordosis in children Lordosis in pregnant women How is Lordosis diagnosed? Scanning: Treatment: Medical Treatment: Physiotherapy Treatment: Braces: Hip flexor stretches Cat-Cow Pose Plank Glute bridge Resistance band…

Back muscles
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Back muscles Anatomy, Function, Exercise

What are the back muscles? The back muscles are the main structural support for the trunk (torso). These muscles help you move the body, including the head, neck, shoulders, arms & legs. The back muscles work together to allow you to bend over, twist, turn the head & extend the back. These muscles also help…