chin tuck ex

Chin tuck exercise

What is a Chin Tuck exercise? Chin tuck exercise is typically one of the key exercises recommended for keeping the head aligned above the spine, rather than drifting forward into poor posture. When done regularly and correctly, chin tucks can help improve the neck’s strength, flexibility, and activity. It Helps to restore the normal posture…

splenius muscle
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Splenius Capitis Muscle Syndrome

What is Splenius Capitis Muscle Syndrome? The splenius capitis is a large, broad muscle situated deeper within the back of the neck. The beginning of this flat, thick, and broad muscle begin at the vertebral column, especially from C-7 to T-3. It runs down the back of the neck. Its ending point is situated on…

Neck muscle strain
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Neck muscle strain

What is the neck muscle strain? Where is the neck muscle located? Anterior neck muscles include Lateral neck muscles include: Posterior neck muscles include Causes of Neck muscle Strain Some common causes of neck strain include: Neck muscle strain classification Neck muscle strain sing and symptoms Other symptoms of neck strains include: Neck strains complications…

Muscle spasm in the neck
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Muscle spasm in the neck:

This neck muscle spasm occurs when your neck muscles become tightened. In this condition, your neck becomes too painful & stiff, affecting the ability to turn your head. Stress-related muscle tension & and awkward neck movement is triggers of neck spasm.This muscle spasm is produce intense pain &this pain stays last for minutes, hours &…

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Introduction: Taping for neck pain is a highly effective technique to relive pain and further support to the involved area of neck.This is most effective and supportive treatment for neck pain.It is give static as well as dynamic support to the neck. kinesio taping give dynamic support to the involved area while typical taping give…