Iliotibial band syndrome
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Iliotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band Syndrome) :

What is iliotibial band syndrome ? It is also known as iliotibial band friction syndrome or It Band Syndrome. Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS or IT band syndrome) is an overuse injury of the connective tissues that are located on the lateral or outer part of thigh and knee. It causes pain and tenderness in those…

Winging of Scapula
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What is Winging of the Scapula? The term ‘winged scapula’ (also scapula alata) is used when the muscles of the scapula are too weak or paralyzed, resulting in a limited ability to stabilize the scapula. As a result, the medial border of the scapula protrudes, like wings. The main reasons for this condition are musculoskeletal-…

Thoracic outlet syndrome (tos)
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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)

What’s thoracic outlet syndrome? Thoracic outlet syndrome is a condition that results from compression of the nerves and/or blood vessels passing from the neck to the shoulder and arm. Symptoms include pain, numbness, tingling, and even weakness in the affected limb. The compression can be caused by several factors, including trauma or anatomical abnormalities. Treatment…

Cervical spondylosis
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CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS : Physiotherapy Exercise

What is Cervical Spondylosis? Cervical spondylosis is also called arthritis of the Neck, the disks and joints in the cervical spine (neck area) slowly degenerate as we grow older. Cervical spondylosis is the medical term for these age-related, wear-and-tear changes that occur over time in the cervical region. The condition most often causes pain and…

Neck Pain Prolapse Disc
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PIVD in Neck : Physiotherapy Treatment

PIVD ( prolapsed intervertebral disc ) in neck.. DEFINATION:The term PIVD /prolapsed intervertebral disc means the protrusion or extrusion of the nucleus pulposus through a rent in theannulus fibrosus. “Cervical radiculopathy is a disease process marked by nerve compression from herniated disk material or arthritic bone spurs. This impingement typically produces neck and radiating arm pain…

Fibrous Dysplacia
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Fibrous Dysplasia

What is Fibrous Dysplasia? Fibrous dysplasia is a disorder where normal bone and marrow is replaced with fibrous tissue, resulting in the formation of bone that is weak and prone to expansion. As a result, most complications result from fractures, deformities, functional impairment, and pain. The disease can affect one bone (monostotic) or multiple (polyostotic)….

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Definition of Osteomalacia Osteomalacia is the softening of the bones caused by impaired bone metabolism primarily due to inadequate levels of available phosphate, calcium, and vitamin D, or because of resorption of calcium. The impairment of bone metabolism causes inadequate bone mineralization. Vitamin D and calcium supplements are measures that can be used to prevent…

Popliteal Cyst
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Popliteal Cyst (Baker’s Cyst): Physiotherapy Treatment

What is a Popliteal Cyst? A popliteal cyst, also known as a Baker’s cyst, is a fluid-filled swelling that causes a lump at the back of the knee, leading to tightness and restricted movement. The cyst can be painful when you bend or extend your knee. It is named after the surgeon who first described…

Painful arc syndrome
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Painful arc syndrome: Physiotherapy Treatment

What is Painful arc syndrome? Painful arc syndrome occurs in the shoulder, The shoulder joint owes its stability to the ‘rotator cuff’ muscles – which are four small muscles located around the shoulder joint which help with movement, but importantly their tendons stabilize the head of the humerus within the joint capsule. Sometimes, with wear…

Myositis ossificans (MO)
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Myositis ossificans (MO): Physiotherapy Treatment

What is Myositis ossificans (MO)? Myositis ossificans (MO) occurs when bone or bone-like tissue grows where it’s not supposed to. It most commonly happens in your muscle after an injury — like when you get hit hard in the thigh during a soccer game or maybe after a car or bicycle accident. Myositis ossificans comprises…