peripheral neuropathy
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Peripheral Neuropathy

What is Peripheral Neuropathy? Examples of peripheral neuropathy include: Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage caused by different conditions. Medical conditions that can cause peripheral neuropathy include: Other causes of neuropathies include: Signs & Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy Every nerve in your peripheral system has a specific function, therefore symptoms depend on…

Wernicke’s aphasia

Wernicke’s Aphasia

What is Wernicke’s aphasia? What are the symptoms of Wernicke’s aphasia? Concerning speech & comprehension, people with Wernicke’s aphasia may: Those with Wernicke’s aphasia may: What are the causes of Wernicke’s aphasia? Other conditions that may affect this area of the brain involve: How it is diagnosed? Some of the tasks may involve: Once diagnosed,…

Space occupying lesions of the Brain

Space occupying lesions of the Brain

Overview Pathophysiology What is a main Space-occupying lesion of the brain? Space-occupying lesion symptoms False localizing signs Temporal lobe Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Cerebellopontine angle Midbrain Diagnosis Blood tests Biopsy X-ray CT and MRI Causes of the space-occupying lesions Differential diagnosis Treatment of Space occupying lesions of the Brain FAQ:

t4 syndrome

T4 Syndrome

What is T4 syndrome? T4 syndrome is a condition in which sometimes nerve become pinched or irritated at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra (T4), which leads to diffuge pain, tingling numbness, parasthesia in the arm, upper back and chest region. T4 syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion when all other diagnoses do not…

childhood apraxia of speech - CAS

Childhood Apraxia of speech (CAS)

What is childhood apraxia of speech? Difference between childhood apraxia of speech, developmental verbal dyspraxia, and developmental apraxia of speech How does childhood apraxia of speech affect? Children may be more such to have this condition if: How common is childhood apraxia of speech? How will childhood apraxia of speech harm my child? What causes…

Iliopsoas Bursitis

Iliopsoas Bursitis

Introduction Iliopsoas bursitis is characterized by distension of the iliopsoas muscles bursa due to synovial fluid and hypertrophic synovium. Clinically Relevant Anatomy What is iliopsoas bursitis? Symptoms of iliopsoas bursitis Causes of iliopsoas bursitis Diagnosing iliopsoas bursitis Complications of iliopsoas bursitis Differential Diagnosis Treatment of Iliopsoas Bursitis In many severe cases, a person seeks additional…

Pectoralis Major

Pectoralis Major Muscle Strain

What is Pectoralis major muscle strain? Where is the Pectoralis major muscle located? Origin:Clavicular part: anterior surface of sternumSternocostal part: the first 7 costal cartilages, the sternal end of the sixth ribAbdominal part: the aponeurosis of the external oblique of the anterior abdominal wall Insertion:Crest of the greater tubercle sulcus of the humerus Action:Shoulder joint:…