Scalene Muscle
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Scalene Muscle

What is Scalene Muscle? The scalene muscle are the 3 muscles situated on each side of the neck, spanning between the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae & the upper 2 ribs. Namely, these muscles are the scalenus anterior (anterior scalene), scalenus medius (middle scalene), & scalenus posterior (posterior scalene). They are all relates to the lateral vertebral muscle group. The…

Subclavius Muscle
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Subclavius Muscle

What is Subclavius Muscle? The subclavius muscle is a short, triangular muscle of the thoracic wall that locates beneath the clavicle. It begins from the 1st rib & courses laterally to ends on the undersurface of the middle 3rd of the clavicle. The primary function of the subclavius is to hold the clavicle during motions of the shoulder girdle. In addition, it…

Platysma Muscle
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Platysma Muscle

What is Platysma Muscle? The platysma is a thin sheet-like muscle that is situated superficially within the anterior aspect of the neck. It begins in the upper thoracic & shoulder regions from a fascia that covers the pectoralis major & deltoid muscles. Its fibers ascend upper medially over the anterolateral aspect of the neck, to join to the mandible & the skin & subcutaneous tissue of the lower face. Unlike…

Infrahyoid Muscles
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Infrahyoid Muscles Anatomy

What are Infrahyoid Muscles? Infrahyoid muscles are also termed “strap muscles” which connect the hyoid, sternum, clavicle, & scapula. They are situated under the hyoid bone on the anterolateral surface of the thyroid gland & are involved in motions of the hyoid bone & thyroid cartilage during vocalization, swallowing, & mastication. They are composed of 4 paired muscles, organized into 2 layers as follows:…

Suprahyoid Muscles Anatomy
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Suprahyoid Muscles Anatomy

What are Suprahyoid Muscles? There are numerous muscles in the neck. One of the classifications of the muscles of the neck is significant to the hyoid bone. Those muscles which are above the hyoid bone are termed supra-hyoid muscles, & those below it are known as infra-hyoid muscles. This group of muscles takes part in the…

Adductor muscles
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Adductor Brevis Muscle Anatomy, Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise

Introduction The Adductor Brevis is the flat, triangular muscle that is found in the inner thigh. This muscle runs from the pubis to the medial aspect of the femur. Together with the adductor Longus, adductor Magnus, gracilis & pectineus muscles, it comprises a group of muscles called the adductor muscles of the thigh. These inner…

teres minor muscle
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Teres Minor Muscle

What is Teres Minor Muscle? Teres minor is a posterior muscle of the shoulder that enlarges between the scapula & the head of the humeral bone. It is one of the 4 muscles of the rotator cuff, along with the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, & subscapularis. Rotator cuff muscles act combine to control the movements of the humerus head & work as stabilizing it within the glenoid cavity…

knee joint with muscles
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Knee joint with muscles

The knee joint with muscles plays an important role in the functioning of knee movement, such as quadriceps, Hamstring are the main muscles of knee joint which helps to perform day-to-day activity like walking, sitting to stand, running, and stair climbing. What is the knee joint? A knee joint is a synovial joint that connects…

Sternocleidomastoid muscle
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Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

What is Sternocleidomastoid Muscle? The sternocleidomastoid muscle is a 2-headed neck muscle, true to its name bears joining to the manubrium of the sternum (Sterno), the clavicle (cleido), & the mastoid process of the temporal bone (mastoid).  It is a lengthened, bilateral muscle of the neck, which functions to flex the neck both laterally & anteriorly, as well as rotate the head opposite…