
Axillary Artery

Introduction The axillary artery is a crucial blood vessel located in the upper limb, playing a vital role in the vascular supply to the arm, shoulder, and thorax. It is a direct continuation of the subclavian artery and extends from the outer border of the first rib to the lower border of the teres major…

Common Iliac Artery

Common Iliac Artery

The common iliac artery is a vital component of the vascular system, playing a crucial role in supplying blood to the lower regions of the body. It originates from the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra. The common iliac artery extends bilaterally, with each artery dividing into the…



Introduction: The largest and most important artery in the human body is the aorta. It begins in the left ventricle of the heart, branches upwards right away, and moves down to the belly, where it divides at the aortic bifurcation into two smaller arteries (the common iliac arteries). All bodily parts receive oxygenated blood through the systemic…


Femoral Artery

Introduction The femoral artery is a major blood vessel in the human body, playing a crucial role in the circulatory system. A large blood vessel called the femoral artery supplies oxygenated blood to parts of the lower anterior abdominal wall and lower extremity structures. The external iliac artery emerges as the common femoral artery when…

subclavian artery compression

Subclavian Artery

Introduction The subclavian arteries are a pair of large arteries located below the collarbone in the upper thorax of the human body. The aortic arch provides them with blood. Blood is supplied to the left arm by the left subclavian artery and the right arm by the right subclavian artery, with certain branches also providing…


Ulnar Artery

The ulnar artery is one of the major blood vessels in the forearm and hand. It originates from the brachial artery in the upper arm, coursing along the medial aspect of the forearm and running parallel to the ulnar bone. Introduction The radial and ulnar arteries are in charge of providing the blood supply to…


Radial Artery

The radial artery, a major blood vessel in the human body, plays a crucial role in the circulatory system. Arising from the brachial artery in the forearm, it runs along the radius bone, hence its name, and is responsible for supplying oxygenated blood to the forearm and hand. Introduction One of the brachial artery’s two…

Artery Vs Vein

Artery Vs Vein

Arteries and veins are fundamental components of the circulatory system, playing distinct yet complementary roles in the transportation of blood throughout the body. While both are blood vessels, they exhibit notable differences in structure, function, and the composition of blood they carry. Introduction: The blood vessels in your body cover more than 60,000 km. There…