Tibialis Anterior Muscle Pain: Cause, symptoms, Treatment and Exercise
If you feel the pain inside of the lower leg & shin, it is indicative of the tibialis anterior muscle pain, it is due to the overuse of this muscle & collapse of the medial arch.
Table of Contents
What is the Tibialis Anterior Muscle Pain?
- This tibialis anterior muscle pain is produced by the muscle, which is locked at the front of the lower leg & is attached to the top of the foot.
- The patient feels the pain in this area is confused with the shin splints, which produce pain on the inside of the lower leg & shin.
- This pain is produced at the front of the lower leg which lies outside of the tibia bone & at the tendon on the top of the foot.
- This muscle-tendon is the large tendon that is visible crossing the front of the ankle joint.
What is the anatomy of the Tibialis Anterior Muscle?

- The Tibialis anterior muscle is locked on the lateral side of the tibia.
- This muscle is thick/fleshy above & tendinous below.
- This Tibialis Anterior muscle fiber runs vertically downward & ends in a muscle tendon, which is apparent at the anterior surface of the muscle at the lower third of the leg.
- This Tibialis Anterior Muscle overlaps the anterior tibial vessels & deep peroneal nerve in the upper part of the leg.
- This Tibialis Anterior Muscle arises from the :
- Lateral condyle & upper half/two-thirds of the lateral surface of the body of the tibia.
- The intermuscular septum between it and the Extensor digitorum longus.
- The deep surface of the fascia.
- Adjoining part of the interosseous membrane
- This Tibialis Anterior Muscle is inserted at the Medial & under the surface of the first cuneiform bone & the base of the first metatarsal bone.
- One of the main functions of this tibialis anterior muscle is to pull the foot up means ankle joint flexion & ankle joint dorsiflexion & is assists in keeping the arch from collapsing.
What are the Causes of Tibialis Anterior Muscle Pain?
- When the overuse of the tibialis anterior muscle & injury in the muscle produces pain in the muscle.
- The collapse of the Medial means an inside arch with an inwards ankle shift, Because the anterior tibialis muscle assists in the keep medial arch up,& a collapse of the arch leads to overwork of the muscle.
- Very rare to cause a tear or injury to the tibialis anterior muscle from a sudden injury.
- Sometimes due to injury muscle strain in the tibialis anterior muscle also occurs.
- If the patient does the Repetitive use of the tibialis anterior muscle, it produces minute rips inside the tibialis anterior tendon.
- It occurs to microscopic injuries & occurs in an inflammatory reaction in the muscle.
- When the patient is worn to Strapping or shoelaces too high, it does injury in the tibialis anterior tendon, which is present in the front of the ankle joint
What are the symptoms of Tibialis Anterior Pain?
- The patient feels pain/ tightness in the front of the lower leg.
- This pain is felt while walking/while applying pressure to the affected area.
- While the patient walking, the pain becomes more severe while lowering the foot to the ground, immediately after the heel strike.
- The patient feels the spasms in the muscle due to the overuse of the muscle.
- Also, presents tenderness at the point of the muscle.
- Patients feel the ankle joint stiff when they occur tendinopathy in the anterior tibialis muscle.
- The patient also feels discomfort during walking.
- The patient feels the high temperature over the pain area.
- The patient also presents an abnormal gait.
- When they occur to anterior tibialis muscle rupture or injury, it leads to foot drop, diminishes the power of dorsiflexor muscles & also reduces the strength of ankle flexor muscles & reduces the ability of the foot movement.
When does the patient need to contact the doctor?
- When the muscle pain is not healed & relieved after the home treatment of RICE principle & medicine as soon as possible contact the doctor.
- If the patient & patient’s relatives observe the abnormal gait in the patient.
- Also, observe to foot drop in the patient.
- In the patient present to reduce the foot movement.
What is the treatment of the Tibialis Anterior Muscle Pain?
RICE principle:
- In the first phase of the exercise used to RICE principle at home.
- R – rest = Patient is doing the rest when the patient is feeling the pain means not to do long walking & and overuse of work.
- I – ice = Patient is applied to ice on the area of the pain for 20 minutes, the patient is also used to ice pack & frozen peas.
- C – compression = Warp to bandage for the compression around the area of pain the reduce the swelling.
- E- elevation = Do they elevate the foot the reduce the swelling.
- Orthotics is help to support the foot & reduce strain on the anterior tibialis muscle.
- When this muscle strain occurs due to a collapsed arch, the orthotic device helps to push the foot & release the muscle strain at the anterior tibialis muscle.
- It also occurs due to compensation from pain so that these orthotics prevent this compensation, this pain must first be dealt with.
- If the pain is produced by the sudden injury these orthotics play a major factor in the recovery.
- Using the right footwear is beneficial to reduce strain on the anterior tibialis muscle by assisting with the proper support.
- The proper footwear is helpful to the patient for complimenting an orthotic device.
- The proper shoe depends on the specific foot mechanics.
- In most cases, a neutral running shoe & walking shoe is worn with any orthotic device.
- In some cases, with the advice from the orthotic professional, a stable running shoe is worn to necessary in combination with the orthotic device.
- Another factor to consider with the anterior tibialis muscle is the weight of the shoe.
- If the tibialis anterior muscle is weak/healing is slow use the lighter shoe is recommended.
- The patient is also used to kinesiology tape to reduce the stress on the inflamed tibialis anterior tendon.
- The patient is Using anti-inflammatory medications means NSAIDs help to minimize pain & inflammation.
- A runner holding their tibialis anterior pain.
What is physiotherapy Treatment for the tibialis anterior muscle pain?
- The physiotherapy treatment includes exercise & stretching which is used to reduce pain relief of the muscle.
For of this tibialis anterior muscle pain is the reason for the collapse of the shin in the pain so that shin stretch is most important for the release of the tibialis anterior muscle pain.
- Standing Tibialis Anterior Shin Stretch
- Kneeling Shin Stretch:
- Seated Shin Stretch
- Lying Shin Stretch
- Stair Stretch
- Standing Stretch
- Tennis Ball Massage
- Band foot drop
- Seated toe raise
- Wall toe raise
- Heel walk
- Tibialis Anterior press & flex
Standing Tibialis Anterior Shin Stretch:
- The patient is in the Standing position.
- The patient is used to a hand on a wall / other support for balance.
- Then both knees are bent slightly.
- The patient’s One foot remains squarely on the ground.
- The other foot of the patient to be stretched is placed just behind this stable foot, with the toe of the stretching foot touching the ground.
- Keep the toe firmly on the ground & pull the stretching leg forward so that feel a stretch from the top of the stretching foot through the shins.
- Once the patient feels good stretching.
- Then hold this stretching for 15 to 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch with the other foot.
- Then use this stretch as part of a warm-up stretching routine / as part of a cool-down.
Kneeling Shin Stretch:
- The patient is Kneeling to gently stretch the shins.
- The patient’s right knee flexion gives the stretch as the sitting position on the heels.
- If it causes pain in the knees, skip it.
- Kneel on a mat with the tops of the feet flat on the floor & buttocks over the heels.
- Hold for 15 to 20 seconds.
Seated Shin Stretch:
- Drop the knee joint towards the ground so that the toe of the foot is extended into the ground as in the standing stretch.
- Then Gently pull the forward while the toe is planted in the ground, similar to the standing stretch but seated.
- Hold this stretching position for 15 to 20 seconds.
- Then Repeat for each foot.
Lying Shin Stretch:
- The patient is lying on the side with the knee bent on the upper leg so that foot is now behind the back.
- Reach back & grab the forefoot, pulling it to the back.
- Hold this stretching position for 15 to 20 seconds.
- Then Repeat for each foot.
Stair Stretch:
- The patient is Standing with the back toward a step/curb/stool of similar height.
- Then Lift the leg for the want to stretch & place the top of the foot on the step behind you.
- Slowly squat down & lower the body weight through the leg to the standing position to apply pressure through the top of the foot on the step till they feel a stretch in the front of the shin.
- Hold this stretching position for 20 to 30 seconds, then relax.
- Then Repeat this stretching 3 times on each leg.
Standing Stretch :
- The patient is Standing on the left foot.
- To stretch the right tibialis anterior, bend the right knee & bring the heel up toward to buttock.
- Then Grab the top of the right foot with the right hand.
- Pull the right foot in closer to the buttock.
- The toes are pointed up toward the ceiling.
- Then Gently pull the foot in till the patient feels a stretch along the front of the right shin.
- Hold this stretching position for 20 to 30 seconds, then relax from stretching.
- Repeat this stretching three times on each leg.

Tennis Ball Massage:
- The patient is in a Sitting position comfortably with the knee joint bent & stands with the foot resting on an elevated surface in front of you.
- Feel the tibialis anterior muscle running along the outside of the shin bone.
- Place the tennis ball against the muscle & hold the ball in place with the palm.
- With firm pressure, slowly roll the tennis ball up & down the tibialis anterior muscle for 30 to 60 seconds.
- This exercise is uncomfortable for the patient but helpful for the patient.
- Repeat this exercise on the other side.
Band foot drop:
- The patient is holding a resistance band around an anchor close to the floor
- Sit down then loop the band over your foot
- Flex the ankle up towards the body then briefly hold it at the top
- Then Slowly return to the starting position
- Repeat this exercise for 10-15 repetitions.
- After that repeat with the other side.

Seated toe raise:
- The patient is Sitting on a chair with the feet in front of you
- Slowly raise the toes off of the floor
- Hold for this position 1-2 seconds at the top
- A repeat of this stretch for 3 sets of 10-15 reps

Wall to raise:
- The patient is Stand 12 inches away with the back towards the wall with the feet hip-width apart
- Keep the knees slightly bent then lean back into the wall
- Raise the toes off the ground & hold at the top for 1-2 seconds then lower the toes back to the ground
- A repeat of this stretching 3 sets of 10-20 reps
Heel walk:
- The patient is Stand on both feet hip-width apart with no shoes on
- Raise the toes off the ground so that the heels are in contact with the ground
- The patient is Walk forward while leaning back placing the weight on the heels
- Repeat this exercise for the 30-45 seconds
- A repeat of this exercise 3 times
Tibialis Anterior press & flex:
- The patient is Sitting position on the floor with the leg extended out in front of.
- Apply pressure to the trigger points on the muscle using a roller stick/massage ball
- While applying the pressure flex the ankles up & down
- Do this exercise for 30-60 seconds
- Repeat this exercise with the other leg
Strengthening exercise for the tibialis anterior muscle:
- The patient is Sitting position on the floor/a bench.
- Then Secure an exercise band around to something sturdy & loop the band around the top of the foot.
- With the toes facing up, flex the ankle toward the count of 2.
- Return the ankle joint down to the count of 4.
- Do this exercise 10 to 20 repetitions in 2 to 3 sets daily.
When the foot drop occurs in the patient do some exercises:
- Seated Elastic Band Exercise for Foot Drop
- Cuff Weight Exercise for Foot Drop
- Isometric Exercise for Foot Drop
Seated Elastic Band Exercise for Foot Drop:
- The patient is Sitting position on the floor with the leg extended in front of you.
- Alternatively, the patient is sitting on a chair with the foot propped up on another chair.
- Tie a loop in the band.
- Pull the toes & foot up while keeping the knee straight.
- Only the ankle joint moves as they flex the foot up.
- Pull the foot up as far as possible.
- The patient is held in the end position for a second / two.
- Then Slowly relax back into the starting position.
- Perform this exercise for 10 to 15 repetitions.
- Till the anterior tibialis muscle tries & no longer flexes the ankle joint up.
Cuff Weight Exercise for Foot Drop:
- Begin this exercise by sitting position with the cuff weight on the foot & then flexing the ankle joint so the foot & toes move up towards the knee joint.
- When the foot is flexed up & hold the position for a couple of seconds.
- Then Slowly lower the toes back down into the starting position.
- Repeat this exercise for 10 to 15 repetitions.
Isometric Exercise for Foot Drop:
- The patient is in a Sitting position in a chair/lying down.
- Cross one leg over the other with the affected leg on the bottom.
- Place the foot on top of the ankle joint and wish to exercise.
- Press the top of the weak foot into the sole of the other foot.
- Then Press down with the stronger foot to resist the foot.
- Must be taken care no motion occurs at the ankle joint.
- Hold this position for 5 seconds & then slowly release.
- Perform this exercise in 10 to 15 repetitions & 2 -3 times per day.