

What is the Vertebroplasty procedure? Vertebroplasty is a medical procedure used to treat vertebral compression fractures, which are fractures that occur in the spinal vertebrae. Vertebroplasty is a surgical treatment that injects cement into a cracked or broken spinal bone to assist relieve pain. Spinal bones are called vertebrae. Vertebroplasty is used most frequently to…



What is Atherosclerosis? Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease characterized by the accumulation of plaque inside the arteries. It is the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral arterial disease. Arteries are blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood to organs & tissues throughout the body. Plaque is a sticky substance made of…

Best Exercise for Hip pain

12 Best Exercises for Hip Pain

Introduction Exercise for Hip pain is an essential part of your overall treatment program to relieve Hip pain and make your Hip joint more powerful, and flexible enough to perform all day-to-day activities with ease without any extra strain. There are many possible reasons for hip pain, ranging from muscle strains and injuries to arthritis…

Calcaneal fracture

Calcaneal fracture (Lovers Fracture)

What is a Calcaneal fracture? A calcaneal fracture, also known as a broken heel bone, is a fracture or break in the calcaneus, which is the largest bone in the foot. Calcaneal fractures usually occur as a result of high-energy injuries, such as falls from heights, motor vehicle accidents, or sports-related trauma. Definition A Calcaneal…

Best exercises for Heel spur

9 Best Exercise for Heel Spur

Introduction Exercise for Heel spur is an important part of your overall treatment program that helps to strengthen your Heel area, relives pain and also improves flexibility and mobility of the Ankle joint. A Heel spur is a foot condition that occurred by a bony-like growth, called a calcium deposit, that increases between your heel…

spinal fusion

Spinal Fusion Surgery

What is spinal fusion? Spinal fusion is a surgical process utilized to correct problems with the vertebral bones in the spine. It’s basically a welding process. The initial idea is to fuse together two or other vertebrae so that they merge into one, solid bone. This is done to exclude painful stirs or to restore…

brain abscess

Brain Abscess

What is Brain Abscess? A Brain abscess is a swelling of the brain that is filled with pus. It typically happens after an infection or serious head injury when bacteria or fungi get into the brain tissue. Although there is very little chance of getting a brain abscess in England, it is a serious condition…

Femoral Shaft Fractures

Femoral Shaft Fracture

Introduction Fractures of the femoral shaft are the most common fracture of the lower extremity, frequently correlated with polytrauma, and can be life-threatening. They frequently cause by high-impact modes of injury such as road traffic accidents with sequelae of limb shortening and deformities if not managed adequately. Femoral shaft fractures can be classified with the Winquist and Hansen…



What is a Nausea? Nausea is a diffuse feeling of anxiety and pain, sometimes sensed as an impulse to vomit. While not discouraging, it can be a debilitating sign if extended and has been defined as placing pain in the chest, abdomen, or back of the throat. Nausea is a non-specific sign, which means that…