Muscle Pain in the Groin area
When you feel pain in the lower abdomen, where the leg meets at the site of the pelvis, this pain is indicated to be groin pain.
This pain occurs due to muscle strain, Inguinal Hernia & many other causes.
This pain occurs most commonly in adults.
You feel various types of groin pain like as mild or severe, slowly or suddenly & dull, sharp, throbbing, or even burning.
The doctor diagnoses this pain in different ways
This pain is released by the RICE treatment, pain medication & physiotherapy treatment.
Table of Contents
What is your groin area?
- This groin area is an area of your hip joint between your stomach & thigh.
- This pain is located where your abdomen ends & your legs begin.
- This groin area has to surround five muscles that work together to move your leg.
- Adductor Magnus
- Adductor longus
- Pectineus
- Adductor brevis
- Gracilis
What is the cause of groin muscle pain?
- Muscle Strain:
- Groin strain is also known as the pulled groin muscle.
- This often occurs due to athletic injury.
- It also happens due to an awkward movement of the hip joint which leads to stretching & tearing of the inner thigh muscles.
- Inguinal Hernia:
- This condition also produces groin pain.
- It occurs to fatty tissue & the intestines push through a weak & torn area in the abdominal wall.
- Sometimes this hernia is a visible bulge in the groin.
- Prostatitis:
- This condition occurs with swelling or infection in your prostate gland.
- In this condition, you feel pain & peeing.
- Epididymitis:
- In this condition occur to swelling in the tube where the sperm is stored & also occur to an infection causes
- Orchitis:
- In this condition occur swelling in one & both testicles which are produced fertility problems.
- Occur to the same infection behind the epididymitis, it is also caused by orchitis.
- Sometimes, the mumps virus also triggers orchitis.
- Testicular torsion:
- This condition happens when a testicle gets twisted inside your scrotum.
- This pain feels like you got kicked in the crotch.
- This condition is a medical emergency.
- Twisting – torsion cuts off the blood supply to your testicle.
- Testicular cancer:
- Most of the time, this cancer is a painless lump on your testicle But sometimes, it becomes too painful.
- It is not common cancer but when it is found early, it is always treated & cured.
- Kidney stones:
- Kidney stone means small crystals form in your kidney & get stuck in tubes leading to your bladder.
- The pain becomes too severe which is lead to your back or belly, but it also radiates to your scrotum & at the tip of your penis.
- If this stone is really big, you need surgery.
- Kidney infection:
- This condition usually happens when an infection travels from your bladder & enters one or both of your kidneys.
- Due to infection produce groin pain, frequent urination & blood or pus in your pee.
- This infection occurs due to bacteria – E. coli.
- Hip Osteoarthritis:
- When occurs to arthritis in the hip joint leads to leg pain during leg movement.
- Sometimes this condition also leads to groin pain.
- Femoral Acetabular Impingement – FAI:
- This condition produces hard growths called bone spurs which develop around the ball & socket of the hip joint.
- This condition leads to restricting your hip joint movement.
- This FAI is produce pain in the groin & the outside of the hip joint.
- Hip Labrum Tear:
- The labrum of the hip joint is known as the layer of cartilage.
- This firm & flexible tissue wraps around the ball of the ball-and-socket hip joint.
- This condition produces pain in the groin or buttocks.
- Hip Fracture:
- A hip fracture means a bone break in the upper quarter of the thigh bone.
- The most common cause of hip fracture is falling.
- Sometimes a direct blow on the hip which is become to causes breaks.
- This hip fracture pain is often felt in the groin area & this pain becomes worse when you try to flex & rotate the hip joint.
- Hip Osteonecrosis:
- This condition is sometimes called avascular necrosis.
- This condition occurs due to bone cells that are dying from a lack of blood supply.
- When occurring this condition in the hip joint, bone cells begin to collapse.
- This condition is produced by dull aching or throbbing pain which is felt in the groin or buttock area.
- Nerve Problem:
- when a pinched nerve in the lower spine is produced groin pain.
- due to nerve problems also produce numbness & tingling in the groin area.
- This condition is known as lumbar radiculopathy.
- Abdominal & Pelvic Conditions:
- Some certain abdominal conditions produce pain in the groin.
- These conditions include:
- Diverticulitis = an inflammatory condition of the bowel
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm = when part of the aorta, a major blood vessel, becomes enlarged
- Pelvic conditions like ovarian cysts, small pockets of fluid that form on or in the ovaries
- Osteitis Pubis:
- This condition is an inflammatory condition.
- Which affects the pubic symphysis.
- This condition is produce dull, aching pain in the groin area & pelvis.
- This condition occurs in athletes & non-athletes.
What is the sign & symptoms of groin muscle injury?
- You feel pain on one side of the scrotum which comes on slowly.
- This pain feels like sharp, sudden pain.
- You also feel inner thigh muscle spasms & weakness in leg muscle.
- Fever
- Sometimes Milky discharge from your penis.
- You are not able to poop & pass gas
- When this pain occurs due to an inguinal hernia which is produce to tugging sensation in the groin area.
- You feel dull groin pain during coughing or lifting things.
- Sometimes you are heard to popping noise during movement.
- You also feel stabbing pain in the muscle pain area.
- You feel numbness in the area of muscle pain.
- Sometimes observe swelling & redness in the area of groin pain.
- Tenderness is also present in the groin area.
How do you diagnose groin area pain?
- In most cases, groin pain is not required medical attention.
- But when you experience severe pain with fever or swelling contact to doctor.
- The first doctor is to evaluate your symptoms & ask about any recent physical activity.
- This information is helpful to doctors in diagnosing the problem.
- Then the doctor is perform a physical examination of the groin area along with some tests.
- Hernia test:
- The doctor inserts one finger into the scrotum and asks the patient for a cough.
- Coughing is increase pressure in the abdomen & pushes your intestines into the hernia opening.
- X-ray & ultrasound:
- X-rays & ultrasounds help to doctor try to know the causes of pain like bone fracture, testicular mass & ovarian cyst.
- Complete blood count – CBC:
- This type of blood test is helpful to doctors to determine if an infection is present.
In which condition do you need to contact a doctor as an emergency?
Contact your doctor immediately if you are experiencing some symptoms including:
- If you notice blood in your urine
- If you notice the physical changes in the testicles, like lumps & swelling.
- When you experience pain that is spreading to your lower back, chest & abdomen
- You feel discomfort along with fever, chills & nausea
- These all symptoms are signs of a more serious condition like a testicular infection, testicular cancer & testicular torsion (twisted testicle).
What is the treatment for groin muscle pain?
RICE principle:
When you feel pain in the middle back muscle doctor is advised to RICE principle as home treatment or primary treatment.
- R – rest = When you feel muscle pain doctor is advice to you rest for sometimes form activities for release to muscle pain.
- I- ice = You are applied to ice on the area of the pain for the 20 minutes, release to swellings & muscle pain but always applied to the ice with the help of a towel between the skin & ice to prevent ice burn, you can also be used to ice pack & frozen peas for ice therapy.
- C- compression = you are also wrapping your groin area, either with the compression clothing & with athletic tape which helps you swelling.
- E- elevation = When you feel pain groin pain you must be applied to the pillow under the leg to relieve the swellings & also take care in the sleeping position.
Pain medication:
- You can take to over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen & ibuprofen which help you relieve the pain.
- If the injury is more serious, your doctor prescribes stronger pain relievers.
- An opioid is advised for severe pain but this drug is also not recommended for long periods – 7 to 10 days.
- You can also apply pain-relieving gel & spray like volini gel & spray on the area of muscle pain to release muscle pain & swellings.
What is Physiotherapy treatment for middle back muscle pain?
When the muscle pain is not relieved after the home treatment & pain medication then the doctor has advised physiotherapy treatment to release muscle pain.
Physiotherapy treatment is help you relieve pain, swelling, spam & tightness of the muscle pain.
The physiotherapy treatment includes massage, electrotherapy treatment & exercise therapy.
- When the trigger & tender points are present in the muscle pain area therapist is advised to massage therapy release to the muscle pain.
- Massage is applied after 2 – 3 days of following the RICE principle when you feel to release of the pain.
- Massage is applied with the help of the oil & applied for 5 -10 minutes.
- Massage is applied 3 times per day at home.
Electrotherapy treatment:
After the RICE principle, pain medication & massage if the muscle pain is not relieved then used Electrotherapy treatment for released to muscle pain.
To relive the swellings, spams & pain therapist is advised to you electrotherapy treatment.
In electrotherapy, the treatment therapist is used to many machines.
- When the trigger & tender points are present therapists are advised & to apply US = ultrasound therapy for the release of muscle pain.
- This treatment is applied with the help of gel & applies for 5 to 10 minutes on the area of pain.
- This therapy helps you release pain & swelling.
- Reduce to pain therapist is applied to SWD = short wave diathermy, IFT = Interferential Therapy, TENS = Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on the area of pain.
- SWD = Short wave diathermy is hot therapy for release to spams on the area of pain.
- IFT = Interferential Therapy & TENS = Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is applied with the help of gel & electrodes on the area of pain.
- This therapy is applied for 10 minutes to the area of pain.
Exercise therapy for groin muscle pain :
After following the RICE principle for the 2- 3 days at home & primary treatment & the help of pain medication, you feel released from the pain.
When you feel too comfortable & release from your muscle pain then the physiotherapist is advised to you exercise therapy reduce to muscle weakness & tightness.
The exercise therapy for muscle pain includes Stretching & strengthening Exercises.
Stretching exercise helps to relieve muscle tightness as well as strengthening Exercise is help you relieve muscle weakness.
Stretching exercise:
After the follow of Electrotherapy for 2-3 days for release to muscle pain by physiotherapist then the therapist is advised to stretch for release to muscle tightness.
This stretching is applied when your pain is released & when you feel comfortable.
- Hip adductor stretch
- Hamstring stretch on wall
- Standing Groin Stretch
- Seated Groin Stretch
- Squatting Groin Stretch
- Hip Opener & Groin Stretch
- Gate stretches
- Crossover stretch
- Lunge stretch
- Butterfly stretch
Hip adductor stretch:

- You are lying on your back with a bent knee joint.
- Then press your feet onto the floor.
- Allow your knee joint to drop open to the sides.
- Try to Press the soles of your feet together.
- Hold this position for up to 30 seconds.
- Return your knee joint to the starting position.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Hamstring stretch on the wall:

- Takes to position yourself on your back near a doorway.
- Extend your unaffected leg in front of you on the floor of the doorway.
- Place your affected leg along the wall next to the doorframe.
- Hold this position for up to 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Standing Groin Stretch:
- You are standing with your legs wide apart.
- Then shift your weight to the left.
- Try to allow your left knee to bend over your left foot.
- You feel the stretch in your right groin.
- Must keep your feet on the ground facing forward.
- Hold this stretching position for 20 to 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Seated Groin Stretch:

- Start this exercise in a sitting position.
- Bend your knee joint & bring the soles of the feet together.
- Hold your feet with your hands & rest your elbow joint on your knee joint.
- Try to allow your knee to fall toward the ground while keeping your back straight
- You can apply gentle pressure on the inner thigh by pressing them gently on the knees with the elbow joint.
- You feel too gentle pulling & tension in the groin.
- Do not bounce & Do not press down with great force.
- Hold this stretching position for 20 to 30 seconds.
- To increase the stretch, bring the feet closer to your groin area.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.

Squatting Groin Stretch:
- You are standing with your feet wide apart & toes pointing outwards.
- Squat down slowly till your knee joint is directly over your ankle joint & bend to 90 degrees.
- Try to place your hands on top of your inner thighs & slowly push outward to open your hips.
- You feel a stretch in the groin muscles in both legs.
- Hold this stretching position for 20 to 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Hip Opener & Groin Stretch:
- Start this exercise in a forward lunge position & drop your left knee joint to the ground.
- Try to place your right elbow joint on the inside of your right knee joint.
- Then Press your right elbow gently into your right knee and twist your torso to the left.
- Reach your left arm behind you until you feel a gentle stretch in your lower back and right groin.
- Hold the stretch for about 20 to 30 seconds, release, and repeat on the other leg.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Gate stretches:
- Start this exercise with a standing position on your left leg while you lift your right leg.
- Raise your right knee joint to hip level, turn it out & open it away from your body.
- In this position, You feel the stretch in your groin.
- This condition is referred to as opening the gate.
- Then bring your knee joint back around in front of your body & lower your leg it is known as closing the gate.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Crossover stretch:
- You are in a standing position for this exercise.
- The first step to the left side with your left foot.
- Try to swing your right foot around in front of your left leg.
- Then step to the left again with your left foot.
- Repeat this stretch in the other direction.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Lunge stretch:

- The first stand with a wide stance with your feet turned out approximately 45 degrees.
- Try to Bend the left knee joint & lunge slightly to the left side to lengthen the inner thigh muscles of the extended position & straighten the right leg.
- Then go back to the standing position & repeat on the other side.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Butterfly stretch:

- You are sitting straight up on the floor with your knee joint bent & your feet pulled together so that your legs are in the butterfly position.
- Try to put your hands around your ankles.
- Must be keeping the spine straight & your buttocks pressed into the floor.
- Then slowly hinge forward at the waist & use your elbow joint to carefully press the knees apart.
- Do not round your back when leaning forward.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
When this pose does not work for you, then try this pose alternative:
- You are lying on your back with your legs perpendicular to the floor & buttocks are pressed against the wall.
- Try to slide your legs open into a wide V shape till you feel a light stretch on the inner thighs.
- Must Be sure to keep your lower back pressed to the floor as you move your legs.
- Hold this stretching position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Upper-thigh foam rolling stretch:

- You are in the prone position for this exercise.
- First, the foam roller is placed on the inside of your thigh.
- Then slowly rock forwards & backward using your elbow joint & your opposite knee.
- Try to Roll from just above your knee joint to the groin for 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Half-Kneeling Hip Stretch:

- Start this stretching in a half-kneeling position.
- Try to rotate the trunk (upper body) to the same side as your front leg.
- Then Squeeze your glute muscle on the rear leg to increase the stretch of the hip flexor and groin muscles.
- When you do not feel a stretch then add a gentle lean forward.
- Hold for 30 seconds & rest for 15 seconds.
- Repeat this stretching 3 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Side lunge groin stretch:
- Start this stretching with a standing position with both feet together.
- Take a step to the side with your right foot & slowly lower into a lunge.
- Must keep the toes of both feet pointed straight forward.
- In this position make sure you are targeting the groin muscles.
- Press back to start one rep.
- Complete the 6 to 10 reps & repeat on the opposite side.
- Do the 2 to 3 sets & rest for 30 to 60 seconds between each repetition.
Simple Isolated Long Groin Stretch:
- You are sitting up straight with your legs forming a wide “V” shape.
- Then Gradually lean your trunk forward & reach straight out toward your toes.
- Hold this gentle stretch for 30 seconds & rest for 30 seconds.
- Do the 3 to 5 sets per day.
Strengthening Exercises:
After the follow of Electrotherapy & massage for 2 -3 days to release Neck muscle pain by the physiotherapist then the therapist is advised to do strengthening exercises for Neck muscle weakness.
This strengthening exercise is always advised when you feel to release pain & when you feel comfortable.
This all-strengthening exercise helps you with muscle weakness & pain.
- Straight leg raise
- Resisted hip flexion
- Leg swing
- Groin Activation against the Wall
- Single-Leg Rock Back Exercise
- Frog Rock Back
- Foam Rolling Adductor
- Bridge with Ball Squeeze
Straight leg raises:

- You are lying on your back with your legs extended.
- Then Bend the knee joint of your unaffected leg.
- Try to press your foot into the floor.
- Engage the thigh muscles on your affected side.
- Then Raise your leg 8 inches from the floor & return your leg to the floor.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Resisted hip flexion:
- You are standing with your back to a door.
- Try to make a loop & place the resistance band around the ankle of your affected leg.
- Then place the other end of the resistance band around an anchor point.
- Engage the front of your thigh & keep your leg straight as you extend your leg forward.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Leg swing:
- You are standing with feet apart & lift 1 foot off the ground.
- Must keep your weight on the heel of the standing foot.
- Then start this exercise slowly & swing your leg forward, back, or behind you in one movement.
- Perform this exercise 20 times 1 time on each leg & 3 times per day.
Groin Activation against the Wall:
- Start this exercise by lifting your right leg & the affected area to the hip joint level.
- In the standing position on your left leg & put your right hand on your left shoulder joint.
- You are holding a pole or a stick with your left hand.
- Hold this exercise position for about 10 seconds.
- You feel the stretch on your groin area.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Single-Leg Rock Back Exercise:
- First, place your knee joint on a mat & use a pillow while your foot is aligned inside this knee joint.
- Try to put two hands on the ground about 2 feet away from your knee joint.
- Your other leg must be in a straight leg position where it is extended on the other side while keeping your foot flat on the ground. Make sure your back is flat.
- This time push your butt backward going to your heels.
- Then return to the original position for deeper hip flexion.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Frog Rock Back:
- Start with a kneeling position on the floor with your hands on the ground for support.
- Spread your knee joint on the side when you turn your toes out & lay the inside of the feet on the floor.
- Try to sit your butt at the back while must keep your knee joint wide.
- You must also feel the stretch as you do this.
- Remember to breathe while you sit back & hold this position for about a second & two before going forward.
- Then You rock back & forth about 2-3 times while you are further opening your knee joint.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Foam Rolling Adductor:
- You are lying on your front with your forearms & the other leg supporting your body.
- Try to place your left leg on the foam roller.
- Then slowly roll down the foam roller at a speed of 1 inch per second.
- Try to reach a tender spot on your adductor muscle & hold the foam roller for about 30 seconds.
- Must keep the muscles relaxed as you do the foam rolling.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Foam Rolling Quad and Hip Flexors:
- Start this exercise by facing the ground when your arms for support.
- Then Place the foam roller under your hip joint.
- Try to slowly start rolling up & down on your quad or hip flexor muscles.
- When you find a tight spot, it is time to bend & extend your lower leg about 20 times.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
Bridge with Ball Squeeze:
- Start with having your back on the floor while your feet are on the ground & about 12 to 16 inches from your glutes muscle.
- Then place the ball between your knee joints.
- It is time to push your feet on the floor as you lift your pelvis in a neutral bridge position.
- Make sure that you can see your pelvis as you lift your pelvis.
- Hold this exercise position as you squeeze the ball about 20 times.
- Then, return to the starting position & one repetition.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
What is a surgical treatment for groin muscle pain?
After the medical treatment & physiotherapy treatment pain is not relieved then the doctor is advised surgical treatment.
Surgery for groin muscle pain is very rare.
But some serious conditions may require surgery. like testicular torsion & hip joint infection, require emergency surgery.
- Surgery of a hip joint infection:
- The affected area of the hip joint is flushed with a saline solution & infected tissue is removed.
- Antibiotics are given after the procedure to ward off infection.
- Other types of surgery include:
- Arthroscopic hip surgery for some labral tears
- Hip replacement for advanced hip arthritis
- Core decompression surgery for hip osteonecrosis
How do you treat groin pain at home?
- When you feel groin pain must rest & take a break from physical activity for two to three weeks which is allow your strain to heal naturally.
- Take pain medications including acetaminophen – Tylenol.
- Apply to ice packs for 20 minutes a few times per day.
How to Prevent groin muscle pain?
- Always do gentle stretching to prevent injury.
- Do a slow & steady warm-up before a physical activity which helps you reduce the risk of a groin injury.
- Maintain a healthy weight be careful when you lift heavy objects and prevent hernia.
- A light jog & other activities to get your body temperature up which is lower your chances of muscle strains.
- Wear shoes that are comfortable with good support.
- Stop to exercise when you feel pain or tightness in your groin & the inside of your thigh.
- Do regular strengthening exercises for your thigh muscles.
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