How to relive pain after workout?
If you are looking for How to relive pain after workout?, in this article we discuss treatment option to relieve pain after workout.
- When you do any workout during the day, it is always produced pain in various parts of the body.
- This pain is become too severe sometimes & leads to injury.
- This pain is relieved by the use of RICE principle, pain medication & physiotherapy treatment.
Table of Contents
What meaning of a workout?
- Workout means you are doing exercise for your body strength daily.
- In the world, many people do the workout daily to increase their strength & maintain their body weight.
- In starting phase of the workout all people feel body pain after the workout then slowly decrease to pain daily.
- When you feel pain need treatment to release muscle pain.
What is a home remedies treatment for pain after a workout?
RICE principle:

When the produced pain after a workout always follows the RICE treatment at-home treatment.
- R – rest = When you feel pain at that time as soon as possible stop the workout & do the rest for some days, stop the activity which is an increase for some days.
- I – ice = Ice is applied on the area of pain for release to swelling & pain for 20 minutes with the help of a towel & do not apply ice directly on the skin because it is lead to burn, you can also be used to ice pack & frozen peas on the area of pain.
- C- compression= You can also use to compression bandage on the area of pain for release to swellings & pain but this bandage is not worn tonight.
- E- elevation = If possible you must elevate the injured part with the help of a pillow which helps you release muscle pain & swelling.
Pain medication:
- You can take to pain relief drug-like as anti-inflammatory drug mainly Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) group of Medicine= ibuprofen for pain release.
- You can also apply volini gel on the area of pain for release to muscle pain.
- This drug dose depends on the severity of the pain.
Heat therapy:
- When the pain is not relieved after the home treatment, if muscle spam & swellings are present so you can also try heat therapy.
- This heat therapy is also applied for 20 minutes.
- You are also used to hot pack & warm water for heat.
- This is helpful to you for relive pain, swelling & muscle spams.
When do you need to contact the doctor?
- When the pain is not relieved by after-home remedies.
- When you feel any severe injury after a workout like muscle sprain, tightness & spams.
- If the swelling & inflammation is not reduced after many days.
- After the assessment, the doctor advises diagnostic tests like X-rays & MRI for proper diagnosis.
- Then the doctor advised proper treatment for muscle pain.
- Mostly doctor to relive muscle pain advice to physiotherapy treatment.
What is physiotherapy treatment for pain after a workout?
The physiotherapy treatment includes massage, electrotherapy treatment, stretching & exercise release to muscle pain, swellings, spasms, tightness & muscle weakness.
Massage :
- The therapist is advised to massage the area when any tender & trigger points are present in the muscle pain so that it is helpful to you for releasing the tender & trigger points.
- Massage is applied with the oil & powder on the area of pain so that the hand is easily spread on the skin.
- Massage is applied for 5 minutes & 3 times per day.
- This massage is given in circular motion.
- You can also use to massager machine for applied to massage.
Electrotherapy treatment:
The electrotherapy treatment includes many pain relief machines such as SWD, TENS, IFT, US & deep heating therapy.
- US = ultrasound:
- When any tend or & trigger points are present in the muscle pain therapist is applied to US = ultrasound for release to muscle pain & swelling.
- This machine is applied for 5 minutes with the gel means apply to gel between the skin & ultrasound probe.
- Intensity is depending on the pain.
- For the pain relief therapist is used SWD, TENS, and IFT machines in the area of pain.
- This machine is applied for 10 minutes to the area of pain.
Exercise & stretching:
- After the assessment physiotherapist is advised to you stop the workout for some days.
- The therapist is advised to active exercise for some days then so the strengthening exercise if need therapist is also advice & perform to passive exercise for release to muscle pain.
- This all exercise depends on the which joint is injured, for ex – if your neck joint is affected do the neck exercise & knee joint affected do the knee joint exercise.
- The active exercise is mostly performed to normal movement of the joint.

Neck exercise :
- When the neck is injured do the normal neck movement like neck extension, neck flexion, neck rotation, neck side – flexion, and head tilt.
- This all movement is performed in the sitting position.
- You are mostly sitting in the chair.
Shoulder exercise :
- When the occur any shoulder injury like a rotator cuff injury, tendinitis & muscle pain on that time do the shoulder exercise.
- In the shoulder, exercise performs shoulder movements like flexion, extension, IR, ER, abduction, and adduction.
- This exercise is done in supine, sitting & standing position.
- All movements were performed 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
- For shoulder injury also perform pendulum exercise, Finger ladder Exercises, Wand exercise & Pully exercise it is an active assisted exercise for the shoulder joint.
- This exercise also helps to reduce the pain.

Elbow exercise :
- When to occur any elbow injury like as a tennis elbow, golfer elbow, tendinitis on that time do the elbow exercise.
- In the elbow, exercises perform for elbow movement like elbow flexion, extension movement – elbow band exercise.
- This all movement is performed in the sitting position.
- All movements were performed 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.

Hip & knee exercise:
- When occur to hip & knee injury like tendinitis, muscle pain, muscle tightness so that perform to hip & knee movement.
- For the hip joint do the hip movement like flexion, extension, IR, ER, abduction, and adduction movement.
- This exercise does in the supine position.
- For the knee joint do the knee movement like flexion, and extension movement.
- This exercise does in the supine position.
- All movements were performed 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.

Ankle exercise :
- when occur to ankle injury like as ankle sprain, heel pain that performs to ankle movement like as plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, eversion, inversion movement.
- This exercise does in the supine position.
- All movements were performed 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.
This all exercise is helpful to you release to pain & decrease to weakness.
Strengthening exercise :
- When the release to the pain & you are trying to return the daily workout so that does some strengthening exercise for all joint which is advice by to therapist.
- This all strengthening exercise is performed with the help of weight like as dumbbell & weight cuff.
- In the starting phase do the exercise with the lightweight & then gradually increase to weight for exercise.
- This all joint exercise is performed with the weight.
Neck & Upper limb Strengthening exercise:

Lower limb Strengthening exercise: