Latissimus dorsi Muscle
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Latissimus Dorsi Muscle

What is Latissimus dorsi Muscle? The latissimus dorsi muscle (‘the lats muscle’ or ‘the lats’) is the broadest muscle in the human body. It is relatively thin & covers almost all back muscles at the posterior trunk, rather than the trapezius muscle. Together with the levator scapulae, trapezius & rhomboid muscles, the latissimus dorsi relates to the superficial layer of the extrinsic…

Spastic cerebral palsy
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Spastic cerebral palsy

Definition of Cerebral palsy (CP): PHYSIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF CEREBRAL PALSY: Two classifications by motor function: What is pyramidal or spastic cerebral palsy? What are the types of spastic Cerebral palsy? Spastic Diplegia Spastic Hemiplegia Spastic Quadriplegia EXTRAPYRAMIDAL OR NON-SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY: Ataxic/ataxia: Dyskinetic: Athetoid: Dystonia/Dystonic: Athetosis: Chorea: Choreoathetoid: Dystonia: Mixed: Gross motor function classification scale(GMFCS):…

Shoulder to Neck muscles
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Shoulder to Neck Muscles

What is the shoulder to neck muscles? Shoulder muscles Deltoid muscle Rotator cuff muscle Supraspinatus muscle Infraspinatus muscle Teres minor muscle Subscapularis muscle Teres major muscle Pectoralis major muscle Pectoralis minor muscle Latissimus dorsi muscle Biceps muscle Triceps brachii Muscles Long head Lateral Head Medial head Neck muscles Platysma muscle: Sternocleidomastoid muscle Subclavius muscle: Scalenes…

Elbow exercise:

What is Elbow exercise? Elbow exercises are important for problems and pain related conditions of the elbows. If you are suffering from an injury to your upper limb or elbow, you may benefit from this exercise and the services of a physiotherapist to help you get a normal range of motion (ROM) and strengthen your…