hoffa's test

Hoffa’s Test

Introduction Hoffa’s Test, also known as the Patellar Fat Pad Impingement Test or Hoffa’s Sign, is a physical examination test used by healthcare professionals, particularly in orthopedics, to evaluate for potential issues in the infrapatellar fat pad, a fatty tissue located just below the kneecap (patella). This test is frequently used to assess knee pain…

wilson's test

Wilson’s test

Introduction The Wilson’s Test is a diagnostic test for osteochondritis dissecans of the knee. Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the knee is an idiopathic, focal, subchondral bone abnormality that can cause instability or detachment of bone and the overlying articular cartilage, resulting in osteoarthritis. Data presented at the SoFCOT Symposium (2005) showed that the median age…

Ulnocarpal Stress Test

Ulnocarpal Stress Test

Introduction The Ulnocarpal Stress Test also known as the ulnar carpal stress test, is a medical exam used to assess the integrity and stability of the wrist’s triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC). The TFCC is a group of ligaments and cartilage that support and stabilize the wrist joint. The test is normally performed by a healthcare…

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
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Muscle soreness in the Calf Muscle

Muscle soreness in the calf, commonly referred to as calf soreness or calf pain, is a prevalent and often uncomfortable condition that affects individuals of all ages and fitness levels. The calf muscles, located at the back of the lower leg, play a crucial role in activities such as walking, running, jumping, and maintaining balance….

Periodontal abscess

Periodontal Abscess

What is a Periodontal Abscess? Symptoms And Causes of Periodontal Abscess What signs and symptoms indicate a gum abscess? What is the cause of a gum abscess? Risk factors: What are the danger signs of a gum abscess? Complications: What are the side effects of a periodontal abscess? Diagnosis And Test: What are the symptoms…

ober test

Ober’s test

Introduction Ober’s test is commonly used in hip orthopedic exams to identify tightness of the Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) or contractures of the Iliotibial Band (IT Band) that limit hip adduction. It is often used to diagnose iliotibial band syndrome. The Ober test, first described by Ober (1936), is a common and widely accepted test…

Heberden's nodes

Heberden’s Nodes

Introduction: Heberden’s Node Symptoms Signs and symptoms of Heberden’s nodes The index and middle fingers are most frequently affected, though they can also affect the thumb.On a finger, you could have more than one node.They may arise gradually or suddenly.When they first start, they are frequently painful, though not always.Gout can deposit crystals in the…



What is Anasarca? Anasarca is a medical condition characterized by severe fluid accumulation in the middle of body cells and inside body cavities, which tends to swell in all parts of the body. Anasarca is a severe and generalized type of edema, with subcutaneous tissue swelling throughout the body. Unlike typical edema, which almost every…

Pivot Shift test

Pivot Shift test of knee joint

Introduction Pivot shift test is theoretically an ideal test for dynamic evaluation of the condition of the knee ligaments, which is particularly important in the diagnosis of ACL tear, the evaluation of reconstruction methods, and the formulation of treatment algorithms for patients with ACL injury. Currently, the pivot shift test is the most accurate clinical…