
Arm Squeeze Test

Definition The Arm Squeeze Test is a clinical examination test used to distinguish shoulder disease from cervical nerve root compression to differentiate diagnosis. When the middle third of the upper arm is compressed or squeezed, nerve compression syndrome typically becomes agitated. Clinical Relevant Anatomy Purpose Technique Results if the patient reports a score of 3…

Cozen's test

Cozen’s Test of the Elbow joint

Cozen’s Test is an important examination test that helps to diagnose Lateral epicondylitis (Tennis elbow). Purpose How to perform Cozen’s Test? Patient Position Examiner Position Technique Practical Advice Maintain the patient’s flexion of the fingers during resisted wrist extension to lessen the possibility of finding the disease at the extensor digitorum origin. In order to…

Upper Limb Tension Test

Upper Limb Tension Tests (ULTTs)

Introduction Purpose Technique A few general points to keep in mind while taking the test Positive Test Upper Limb Tension Test 1 (ULTT1, which measures compression of the Median Nerve) is as follows: Upper Limb Tension Test 2A (ULTT2A) Upper Limb Tension Test 2B (ULTT2B, for checking radial nerve compression) Upper limb tension Test 3…

Rotator cuff injury Test

Rotator cuff injury test helps to diagnose and to differentiate from other similar shoulder pain-related conditions. It is also used to examine for full-thickness rotator cuff tears, mainly the supraspinatus. Definition Tests for the Subscapularis Internal Rotation Lag Sign Belly Press Test Belly-Off Sign Bear Hug Test Tests for the supraspinatus and infraspinatus External rotation…

Foot and Ankle Assessment

Foot as well as Ankle Assessment

Foot, as well as Ankle Assessment, is of crucial importance for the clinical diagnosis of painful conditions of the foot and ankle. Assessment Aim Subjective Training history Special Questions Objective observation Posture assessment Palpation Neurologic Assessment Vascular Assessment Movement Testing Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Foot as well as Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) Functional Tests Single…