Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
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Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

What is Setu Bandha Sarvangasana?

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) is a backbend yoga pose that strengthens the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back while opening the chest and shoulders. It also promotes spinal flexibility and can help relieve tension in the back.

Bridge Pose, Supported Bridge Pose, or Setu Bhandasana are alternative names for Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. To learn the actual meaning, let’s understand the Sanskrit name.

In Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, all the limbs are locked to form a bridge. As the name suggests, it is an asana in which you use all of your limbs to make a bridge shape. It is quite different from the classic Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) since it requires more support.

A yoga block, which is regarded as one of the greatest yoga props for this posture, is used to achieve this stance perfectly as seen in the image. Additionally, the yoga wheel can provide you with the ideal support to bend your body and perform the pose correctly. Yoga wheels are among the most popular yoga equipment for bending poses, and they are always useful for achieving ideal yoga positions.

Which muscles are used in Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Hamstrings
  • Erector Spinae
  • Quadriceps (Rectus Femoris, Vastus Muscles)
  • Core Muscles (Rectus Abdominis, Transverse Abdominis, Obliques)
  • Hip Flexors (Psoas, Iliacus)
  • Adductors (Inner Thigh Muscles)
  • Deltoids & Triceps
  • Pectorals & Serratus Anterior

Benefits of the Setu Bandha Sarvangasana(Bridge Pose)

It is well known that yoga is a very beneficial and healthful practice. Every yoga stance has its special benefits and consequences. Sarvangasana Setu Bandha is no different. It offers many advantages. It aids in the body’s repair. The performer is said to experience relaxing and therapeutic effects from it. Women’s health benefits greatly from this bridge posture throughout their lives, including throughout menstruation, pregnancy, and the entire menopause.

The following are some of the main advantages that Setu Bandha Sarvangasana provides.

  • Improved extending the hips and legs
  • strengthening of the muscles in the back
  • decrease in back pain
  • increased spine flexibility
  • Increased enlargement of the respiratory system

Increased Hip and Leg Stretching:

In this yoga position, you must create a bridge. You must leave your feet on the floor and raise your hips off the ground to do it. This aids in leg, hip, and chest stretching. It also reduces the stiffness and tension in these areas. For someone who sits for extended periods, this pose is a great way to cope with the effects.

Building up the muscles in the back:

Lifting the hips is the first stage in this position. The lower back and spine must be supported to perform this. The muscles in that region are strengthened by this movement. Maintaining stability in that area and improving posture are two benefits of stretching the back muscles.

Decrease in back pain:

This posture reduces back pain by extending the back muscles and spine, which lessens any pain you may be experiencing. Furthermore, stretching the shoulder and chest area reduces upper back pain.

Increased spinal flexibility:

In the long term, backbends serve to increase the flexibility of the spine by flexing and extending it. This decreases stiffness and soreness while assisting in the execution of many other positions.

Increased growth of the respiratory system:

By extending the lungs during inhalation, chest stretches help people breathe better and take in more oxygen, which promotes relaxation and reduces tension.

Advice for Performing Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, or Supported Bridge Pose


It’s important to warm up before beginning any yoga position or physical exercise. It’s enough to lightly stretch the muscles. For this, you can perform a cat position or sun salutation.

Yoga Props and Accessories:

When performing this yoga pose, you can use Iyengar yoga props to support your hips and spine. Create them based on your requirements and preferences.


You can put together the yoga props to improve your performance of the poses. Depending on your needs and level of flexibility, you can use all of the yoga props at once or separately.


Make sure your body is positioned correctly after everything is in place. Possessing yoga props is not enough; for maximum effect, you must position them correctly. You don’t want all of your work to be in nothing because you put it in the wrong place, after all.

Using Yoga Equipment for Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Yoga Mat: It’s important to lie comfortably on the ground. The body is cushioned by the yoga mat. It gives you comfort and grip while keeping you from slipping.

Yoga Blankets: The shoulders can be supported by folding yoga blankets. If you lack flexibility, tuck the folded Iyengar yoga blankets under your shoulders in the back before raising your body into the bridge posture. This gives the stance the necessary elevation.

Yoga Pillows: Yoga pillows can help your neck position properly and serve as extra support to prevent strain from various yoga poses. As an alternative to Iyengar yoga pillows, you can use folded yoga blankets.

Yoga Blocks: There are several uses for them. They can be used to gently lengthen the spine and support the sacrum. As an alternative, you can put them beneath your hands to press your arms to the yoga block and effortlessly raise your body to the bridge posture, or between your knees if you have an impulse to spread them out.

Yoga Bolster: Your back can be supported with a yoga belt. To support your spine, place the Iyengar Yoga bolster under your sacrum. If you are not particularly flexible, this might be quite beneficial in getting you into a restorative position.

Note: You can continue using the Iyengar Yoga props you already have if you don’t have all of them.

How to Perform Setu Bandha Sarvangasana(Bridge Pose)

  • Start by lying down in the correct position. You can lie down on a yoga mat if you have one.
  • Bend your knees and drag your feet close to your hips while maintaining a hip-width distance between them.
  • Make sure the soles are parallel to the knees and that your fingertips make contact with the heels.
  • Use the Iyengar yoga props as described above, keeping them close at hand.
  • Change the yoga props to your level of comfort and flexibility.
  • Verify that your spine and shoulders are properly positioned by using a yoga block or bolster.
  • To lift your chest, press your arms and shoulders while keeping your hips parallel to the floor.
  • Close your eyes slowly and inhale deeply. Try to relax while you breathe in and out, and feel how your ribs expand.
  • If you feel comfortable, you can hold the yoga stance for at least five minutes. Your spine and the rest of your body are starting to relax.
  • To exit the pose, raise your hips, take off the Iyengar yoga block or bolster, and then slowly lower your spine.
  • To release any remaining tension, you can perform several mild twists.
  • Various Yoga Variations of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)You can use the yoga supports to perform the Setu Bandha Sarvangasana in a variety of ways. Below is a description of some of the variants.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana(Bridge Pose) video

Advice for beginners

Keep your ankles and knees in line with one another and your feet hip-width apart. Avoid letting the back curl or fall. The collarbone should be in contact with the chin. At that moment, your eyes will naturally be directed upward. Throughout, keep your glutes and thighs active. Another option is to put a block between your thighs. They are going to respond when you press the block with both thighs.

Modifications of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Bridge Pose with a Yoga Block: 

The yoga block is positioned behind the sacrum in this bridge pose. As previously said, this Iyengar yoga block supports your hips, which stretches your shoulders, chest, and back. You can even raise the height by adding another yoga block.

Bridge Pose Using a Yoga Bench for Setu Bandh:

When performing the bridge posture, a setu bandh yoga bench is utilized rather than a yoga block. But compared to the yoga block, the setu bandh yoga bench offers superior hip lift and support. Bridge positions are the focus of this yoga bench’s design. With its rounded approach, the setu bandh yoga bench simulates the bending of the body in the pose.

Rectangular Yoga Bolster for Supported Bridge Pose:

This form of supported bridge posture is identical to the first one, except instead of a yoga block, a yoga bolster is used. This facilitates the hip’s difficult and comfortable lifting. You will be able to achieve a healing Iyengar yoga position and improve your hip and spine flexibility as a result.

Bridge Pose with a Yoga Strap: 

This variant of Setu Bhandasana uses a yoga strap in the hip region to provide the pose balance and lift. While the yoga strap holds the hip area in place, this helps you concentrate on lengthening the spine by opening the chest and shoulders.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana variations

  • You can put your palms on the ground as a beginner to get more support.
  • Additionally, you should only elevate your chest and back as much as is comfortable.
  • You can either grasp the ankle with your hands and raise your hips, or you can grasp your palms together behind your back.
  • In the more difficult version, you can also raise your palms and heels (balancing on your toes).
  • Another option is to try the one-legged bridge position, which involves raising one leg.
  • You can try Chakrasana (the wheel posture) as you go.


One of the most advantageous yoga poses is setu bandha sarvangasana. Regularly performing this pose provides you with a strong, healthy body and helps you overcome several health issues. From head to toe, it offers advantages. For this reason, it is called an asana of entire-body development.


Bridge Pose: What is it?

A backbend and chest-opening yoga pose, Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) increases spinal flexibility and strengthens the legs, back, and glutes.

How is Bridge Pose performed?

Place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees while lying on your back.
Keep your arms by your sides and place your hands down. Using your core and glutes, push through your feet and raise your hips.
Don’t strain your neck, and keep your arms and shoulders grounded.
Slowly lower after holding for a few breaths.

What advantages does Bridge Pose offer?

strengthens the lower back, legs, and glutes.
stretches the shoulders, back, and chest.
enhances spinal flexibility and posture.
decreases stress and improves digestion.

Can back pain be relieved by Bridge Pose?

Yes, it can help reduce mild back pain by strengthening the lower back and increasing spinal mobility when done properly. Before beginning a yoga practice, anyone with severe spinal problems should speak with a physician or yoga instructor.

Bridge Pose: Who Should Avoid It?

This position should be avoided or modified for anyone with serious shoulder, back, or neck conditions. Unless instructed otherwise by an instructor, pregnant people should also adjust or avoid it.


  • Rajanikant. (2024, July 24). Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): A Guide & Benefits. Yogikuti.,as%20it%20needs%20additional%20support.
  • Yoga Journal. (2025b, February 25). Bridge pose.
  • Wikipedia contributors. (2025, March 13). Setu bandha sarvangasana. Wikipedia.
  • Shvasa Editorial Team. (2023, April 25). How to practice shoulder bridge pose.

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