Best core exercise & stretching for the back pain with images :
if you are looking for Best core exercise and stretching for the Back pain with images, Here in this article you can see simple and easy to do Home exercise description with images. if you feel pain do not do this exercise, initially starts with low repetitions and as you improve you can do more repetitions and sets.
Core exercise are the Best treatment option for the Back pain management, However you should avoid painful exercises. Initially starts with easy to do simple exercise.
Following are few stretching and core exercise list with images that helps to relieve you Low Back pain.
Table of Contents
Stretching :
- Knee-to-chest
- Seated lower back rotational stretches
- Lower back rotational
- Cat stretches
Knee-to-chest :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie on to the back on to the floor.
- Then Bend to the knees .
- Keep to the both feet flat on to the floor.
- Use to the both hands are to pull the one knee in toward to the chest.
- Hold to the knee against to the chest for to the 5 second .
- keep to the abdominal tight & pressing to the spine in the floor.
- After that Return to the starting position.
- Then perform this exercise in other side .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Seated lower back rotational stretches :

- Starting position is sitting .
- Sit on to the a stool or to the chair without to the arms .
- Then keep to the feet is flat on to the floor.
- Twist to the the core of to the right .
- Then keep to the the hips are square & the spine tall.
- After that Position to the hands behind of to the head .
- Place to the left hand on to the right knee for to the support of to the the stretch.
- Hold to the position of to the 10 seconds.
- After that Return to in the starting position.
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Lower back rotational :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie back on to the floor with to the bent knees& feet flat on to the ground.
- Keep to the shoulders firmly on to the floor .
- Then gently roll both to the bent knees over to the one side.
- Hold this position for to the 5–10 seconds.
- After that Return to in the starting position.
- Then perform this exercise in other side .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .

Cat stretches :
- Get it onto the hands & knees are with to the knees .
- Then hip is to the width apart.
- Then do the Arch of to the back .
- Pull to the bellybutton up to the toward to the spine.
- After that Slowly relax of to the muscles .
- Then for to the allow to the abdomen for to sag toward to the floor.
- After that Return of to the starting position.
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Exercise :
- Planks.
- Crunches
- Bridges
- Bird Dog
- Tabletop Leg Press
- Dead Bug
- Glute Bridge Single-Leg Progression
- Forearm Plank
- Side Plank
- Reverse Lunge
- Clam shell
- Low Side Plank Hold
- Segmented Cat-Camel
- Pall of Press
- Lying Windshield Wipers
- Draw-in maneuvers
- Pelvic tilts
- Lying lateral leg lifts
- Superman
- Partial curls
Planks :

- Starting position is a push up position .
- Then bend to the arms & support to the body with to the forearms.
- Make sure Keep to the hips, legs & torso into the straight line while to the tight of to the abdominal & glute muscles.
- Instead of to the over compensating with to the back muscles & letting to the gut sag.
- Then draw to the core muscles in at to the level of to the belly button .
- Hold to the position for to the 30 second .
- Then do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Crunches :

- In starting position put to the calves on to the chair or coffee table.
- Then cross to the arms over to the chest & lift to the shoulders off to the floor while to the keep the lower back is flat.
- Then Hold to the arms out in front of body rather than to the crossing them over to the chest.
- This exercise is also do to the stomach .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Bridges :

- Starting position is supine
- Lie on to the back with to the knees are bent to the 90 degrees & feet flat on to the floor.
- Then Engage to the muscles of to the deep core & move into the bridge position by to the lifting of to the bottom off to the floor.
- Instead of to the forcing of to the belly up by to the arching to the back .
- Try to the maintain of to the natural curve into the lower spine.
- Then Lift to the left foot off to the floor & extend to the left leg for to the maintain a straight line through to the left heel.
- After that Return to the foot of to the floor .
- Repeat the exercise into the other leg .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Bird Dog :

- Start on to the hands & knees are into the tabletop position with to the wrist stacked under to the shoulders & the knees are also stacked under to the hips, this position is called to the starting position.
- Extend to the right arm forward & left leg is back .
- Then maintaining to the a flat back & keep to the hips into line with to the floor.
- Squeeze to the abs & return to the arm& the leg to the starting position.
- Continue of the movement for to the 30 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise into the other leg .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Tabletop Leg Press :

- Starting position is sitting or supine .
- Lie face up with to the legs which is raised into the tabletop position means bent to the knees like as to the 90 degrees & stacked over to the hips.
- Contract to the abs to the press the low back into the ground.
- Then Crunch up to the few inches & place to the hands on to the front of to the quads.
- Drive to the quads into the hands while to the simultaneously press to the away.
- Hold to the position for to the 30 second .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Dead Bug :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie face up with to the arms are extended to the toward of the ceiling & the legs are in to the a tabletop position means knee are bent to the 90 degrees & stacked to the over to the hips .
- Slowly extend to the right leg out of to the straight, while the simultaneously drop to the left arm to overhead.
- Keep to the both a few inches from to the ground.
- Squeeze to the butt & keep to the core engaged of to the entire time then lower back is pressed into the floor.
- Bring to the arm & leg back in to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise into the other leg .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Glute Bridge Single-Leg Progression :

- Staring position is supine .
- Lie onto the back with to the hands at to the sides & do the knees bent & feet flat on to the floor , hip-width to the apart.
- Lift to the right leg& grab to the back of to the thigh with the both hands.
- Gently pull to the right knee toward to the chest & move to the left foot towards to the center of to the body .
- Squeeze to the glutes & abs & push to the through to the left heel which is to lift to the hips for a few inches off to the floor until to the body form to the a straight line into the shoulders of to the knees.
- Hold the position for to the second.
- Slowly lower to the hips form to the return in to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise into the other leg .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Forearm Plank :

- Starting position is prone .
- Rest to the forearms on to the floor .
- with to the elbows are directly in underneath of to the shoulders & hands which is facing to the forward so that arms are to the parallel.
- Then Extend to the legs are out of to the behind to the body .
- Rest to the toes on to the floor.
- Body is must be in one straight line from to the shoulders of to the heels.
- Squeeze to the entire core .
- Then tuck to the butt under a little for to the to keep the lower back is straight.
- Hold the position for to the 3 second .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Side Plank :

- Starting position is prone .
- Place to the left hand on to the floor .
- Then directly underneath to the left shoulder.
- Extend to the legs so that the body is into the one long line& stack to the right foot on to the top of the left.
- Engage to the core butt.
- Then Lift to the right arm up to the toward of to the ceiling& look up to the toward to the right hand.
- Hold to the position for to the 30 second .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Reverse Lunge :

- Starting position is standing .
- Standing with to the feet is put the shoulder-width apart.
- Then Put to the hands onto the hips or behind to the head.
- Step to the back about to the 2 feet with the left foot .
- Landing on to the ball of the left foot & keep to the heel off of the ground.
- Bend to the both knees for to the create a two 90-degree angles with to the legs.
- Then Push to the through of the heel of to the right foot into the return of to in standing.
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Forward Lunge :

- Starting position is standing .
- Standing with to the feet is shoulder-width to the apart.
- Put to the hands on to the hips & behind to the head.
- Step to the forward about to the 2 feet with to the right foot & plant it to the firmly on to the ground.
- Bend to the both knees are to the create with to the two 90-degree of to the angles with to the legs.
- In the position shoulders are should be directly above to the hips & chest which is into the upright.
- The right shin is put the perpendicular in to the floor & right knee is put the stacked above to the right ankle.
- Then Push to the right foot to return to standing.
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Clam shell :

- Starting position is side – lying .
- Lie onto the left side with to the elbow is bent.
- Then Use to the left hand of to the prop up to the head.
- Stack to the right leg & foot onto the top of the left & bend to the knees to the form of a 45-degree of to the angle.
- Place to the right hand on to the hip or to the lightly on to the floor in front of the body for to the balance.
- Then Slowly lift to the right knee up to the toward to the ceiling & keep to the feet is to the touch.
- Use to the glutes for to the initiate of to the movement .
- Squeeze to the core & lift to the Lower right leg back on to the meet of to the the left.
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Low Side Plank Hold :

- Get into the side plank onto the forearm & knees .
- After to the shoulder is directly over to the elbow & the knees are stacked onto the top of the each other& into the line with to the shoulders.
- Brace to the core & hold to the position .
- Do not let to the hips are rotate.
- This exercise is Repeat on to the opposite side.
- This position is hold for to the 30 second .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Segmented Cat-Camel :

- Starting position is prone .
- Start with to the hands and the knee onto the ceiling then tucking to the chin to the chest .
- Then slowly reverse to the arch into the back .
- Then starting with to the tailbone & ending at to the neck.
- Continue until to the entire back which is curve toward to the floor &look up to the toward of to the ceiling .
- Then reverse to the motion & starting to the neck & move to the back down toward to the tailbone of to the return of to in the starting position .
- Hold to the position for the 30 second .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Pall of Press :

- Starting position is standing .
- Stand in to the a quarter squat with in to the one side of to the body which is facing thought to cable station.
- Hold to the cable into the handle with a both hands at to the navel-height .
- Then press to the handle into the straight out in front of the body
- Make sure to the body is not turn to the one side.
- Then slowly reverse to the in starting position .
- Then perform this exercise in other side .
- To to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Lying Windshield Wipers :

- Lie face-up on to the floor with to the arms are do to the straight out from to the sides.
- Then Raise to the feet off of to the floor which is the knees & hips are to the bent of to the 90 degrees.
- The press to the low back in the floor.
- Brace to the core for to the maintain in this position .
- Then keep to the legs are to the together
- Slowly lower to the legs which is into the one side without to the lifting of the shoulders / low back off of to the floor .
- Then return into the starting position .
- Then repeat into the other leg .
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Draw-in maneuvers :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie back on to the floor with knees are bent & feet is flat .
- Then keep to the arms by to the sides.
- Then Breathe in to the deeply.
- While to the breathing out, pull to the bellybutton toward to the spine .
- Tightening to the abdominal muscles & keep to the hips still.
- Hold this position for to the 5 seconds.
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Pelvic tilts :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie back on to the floor with to the knees bent & feet flat .
- Keep to the arms by to the sides.
- Then Gently arch on to the lower back & push to the stomach out.
- Hold for to the 5 seconds & then to the relax.
- After that Flatten to the back & pull to the bellybutton into the toward of to the floor.
- Hold for to the 5 seconds & then relax.
- Increase to the the number of repetitions daily till up to 30.
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Lying lateral leg lifts :

- Starting position is side – lying .
- Lie onto the one side with to the legs are together.
- Keep to the lower leg are slightly bent.
- Then Draw to the bellybutton of into the spine for to engage of to the core muscles.
- Raise to the top leg about to the 18 inches.
- keep to the leg straight & then extended.
- Hold to the position for to the 2 seconds.
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Superman position :

- Starting position is prone .
- Lie face to the down on to the ground & stretch to the both arms out into the front of the body .
- Then keep to the legs are stretched out & flat on to the ground.
- Raise to the both to the hands & feet .
- Then aiming to the create a gap of to the about to the 6 inches between of to the body & to the floor.
- Try to pull in the bellybutton, lifting it off the floor to engage the core muscles.
- Keep to the head straight & look at to the floor for to the avoid neck injury.
- Stretch to the hands & feet to the outward as far as possible.
- Hold to the position for to the 2 seconds.
- After that Return to in the starting position.
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Partial curls :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie back on to the floor & bend to the knees .
- After that keep to the feet flat & hip-width to the apart.
- Cross to the hands are over to the chest.
- Breathe into the deeply.
- Then Gently raise to the head & shoulders of to the 2 inches off to the ground .
- While keep to the the neck into the line with to the spine.
- Hold for to the 5 seconds
- After that Return to in the starting position.
- Do to the 10 times per 1 session & 3 session per to the 1 day .
Conclusion :
If you are looking for article that are dedicated on Core exercise for Back pain then click here. Core exercise is the Best exercise to improve function of Back, stability and Balance.