Gastrocnemius muscle pain
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Gastrocnemius muscle pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel sudden pain in the back of the leg & difficulty in contracting the muscle/standing on tiptoe it is indicated to be gastrocnemius muscle pain.This pain is due to cramps/muscle strain.You feel Pain & observe the swelling or bruising in the area of muscle pain.This Pain increases during the resisted plantar flexion &…

Soleus muscle pain

Soleus muscle pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel pain with the active or resisted plantar flexion if you feel Tenderness in the back side of the lower leg area during palpation, it is indicate soleus muscle pain; you also feel pain during some activities like walking, jumping & running.This muscle pain occurs due to many reasons like strain, and injury…

Plantaris muscle pain
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Plantaris Muscle Pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel Sudden pain in the back of the calf & observe swelling & bunching of the calf muscle it is indicated to be plantaris muscle pain. this pain occurs due to many reasons like tear & strain in the muscle. this muscle pain also presents with swelling & spasms. This pain is relieved…

Latissimus dorsi muscle pain

Latissimus dorsi muscle pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel pain in the low back, mid-to-upper back, the base of the scapula & or the back of the shoulder joint, it is indicated tolatissimus dorsi muscle pain. this pain is produced for many reasons like a tear in the latissimus dorsi muscle, or overwork of the muscle. You feel pain, swellings, and…

Pain in quadriceps tendon
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Pain in quadriceps tendon: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel pain in the walking, step up; it is indicated as quadriceps tendon pain.This pain is produced by repetitive movements like jumping & kneeling; this overuse leads to tiny tears which produce pain & swelling in the tendon. This quadriceps tendon injury mostly occurs in athletes, such as volleyball & basketball players.This pain…

How to relieve leg pain

How to relieve leg pain? : Physiotherapy Treatment & Exercise

If you are searching for How to relive leg pain online then this article is really informative for you, in this article we discuss cause, symptoms and treatment option to relive leg pain. Due to many causes, you feel leg pain in daily life due to prolonged standing, and walking you feel leg pain. This…