List of Exercises

List of Exercises of All Body Parts


Physiotherapists mostly prescribe the movement or motion of joints and exercise to improve mobility and function. Exercise is maintaining your whole body’s strength, mobility, and flexibility. The physiotherapy field teaches you lots of exercise according to your condition (Conditions such as low back pain, ankle sprain, frozen shoulder, muscle sprain, and muscle weakness,).

Benefits of Exercise

Protect against many chronic diseases.
Aid in weight management.
Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
Improve your quality of sleep.
Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
Combat cancer-related fatigue.
Boost your mood.
Build agility.
Decrease your future healthcare costs.
Decrease your risk of metabolic syndrome.
Delay onset of dementia.
Give you more confidence.
Help you sleep better.
Improve creativity.

List of Exercises

Exercise For Eye

Palming. Palming is a yogic eye exercise, that suggests relaxing the muscles around the eyes, reducing eye fatigue
Pencil Push-ups
Near and Far Focus
Figure Eight
20-20-20 Rule
Brock String
Barrel Card
Eye Closing

Exercise for jaw

Goldfish exercises (partial opening)
Goldfish exercises (full opening)
Chin tucks
Resisted opening of the mouth
Resisted closing of the mouth
Tongue up
Side-to-side jaw movement
Forward jaw movement
stretch the jaw
relax the jaw

Exercise for Neck joint

Active neck flexion and extension
Actine latral rotation and side flexion
Passive neck flexion and extension
Passive neck lateral rotation and side flexion
Neck isometric exercise
pectoralis stretch
trapezius stretch
neck strengthening
forward bending
shoulder rolls
side bends
seated twist

Exercise For Upper Extremities

Exercise For Shoulder joint

Shoulder stretch
shoulder blade squeeze
Across the chest stretch
chest expansion
Eagle arms spinal rolls
Arm circles
Doorway stretch
thread the needle
Eagle Pose
Child’s Pose
Lateral raises with dumbles
External shoulder rotation
Internal shoulder rotation
Reverse fly
Downward Dog
Pendulum stretch
Passive internal rotation
wall Crowl
wall push up
Mobilization of shoulder joint(Anterior,posterior,inferior glide)
strengthening exercise with dumbles and theraband
Backword table press
Table slide
sleeper stretch
scapula setting
shoulder isometric
active assisted
resisted exercise
finger ladder exercise
rope and pully exercise
wand exercise
shoulder strengthening with dumbells
shoulder strengthing with resistance band

Exercise for elbow joint

Active flexion and extension
Passive flexion and extension
Active supination
Passive pronation
Towel Twist
strengthening exercises with dumbbells and resisting the band
Resisted exercises
supination pronation bar
supinatior muscle strech
pronator muscle stretch

Exercise for wrist joint

Passive wrist flexion and extension
Active wrist flexion and extension
Active radial deviation
Passive ulnar deviation
finger stretch
Wrist extension with dumbbell
Dumbbell wrist flexion
Prayer stretch
Steeple stretch
Wrist supination with dumbbell
Wrist pronation with dumbbell
Wrist mobilization dorsal and volar glide
Fist making exercise
Ball press exercise
Griper exercise
Lumbricles strengthening
Mobilization radial glide
Mobilization ulnar glide
wrist roller exercise

Exercise for fingers

Active finger flexion and extension
Active finger abduction and adduction
Passive fingrer flexion and extension
Passive finger abduction and adduction
ball press
lubricates strengthening
finger stretch
finger mobilization
fist making and open
gripper exercise
peg board exercise
Active thumb flexion and extension
Active thumb to finger
Active thumb abduction and adduction
Passive thumb flexion and extension
Passive thumb to finger
Passive thumb adduction and abduction
claw stretch
pinch stranger
thumb touch
thumb stretches

Exercise for Back

Single Knee-to-chest stretch
Double knee to chest
Piriformis stretch
Seated spinal twist
Pelvic tilt or rotation
Cat camel exercise
Sphinx stretch
Calf muscle stretching
Hamstring muscle stretching
Child’s Pose
Isometric back exercise
Isometric abdomen exercise
Supine Twist
Supine Figure 4 Stretch
Forearm Plank
Side plank
Pigeon Pose
Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)
Abdominal crunches
Kneeling back stretch
Modified seated side straddle

Exercise for lower extremities

Exercise for hip joint

Passive hip flexion and extension
Passive hip abduction and adduction
Active hip flexion and extension
Active hip abduction nad adduction
straight leg raise(SLR)
side lying raise
Prone leg raise
Active external rotation and internal rotation
Passive External rotation and internal rotation
Heel-to-buttock exercise
Mini squat
Short-arc quadriceps exercise
Quadriceps exercise
Chair stand
Hip circles
Sidestep exercise
Clamshell exercise
Lateral step-up
Hip marching
Floor hip flexors
Butterfly pose
Frankenstein walk
Knee-to-chest pose
Double knee to chest
Donkey kicks
Single-leg bridge
Threading the needle
Pigeon Pose
pelvic tilt
gluteal stretch
kneeling lunges stretch
Floor-sliding mountain climbers
Psoas hold

Exercise for knee joint

Active knee flexion and Extension
Passive knee flexion and extension
heel stretch
Calf muscle stretch
Quadriceps stretch
Hamstring stretch
Static qudriceps exercsie
vestus misialis oblique exercise
static leg raise
calf stretch
Hamstring curl
Knee extensions
Side leg raises
Prone leg raises
Knee extension in prone
Quad Set
Pillow Squeeze
Step Ups
stair climb
One Leg Balance
strengthen exercise
continues passive movement

Exercise for ankle joint

Active ankle flexion and extension
Active inversion and eversion
Passive ankle flexion and extension
Passive ankle inversion and eversion
Ankle mobilization
plantar fascia stretch
Sitting plantar fascia stretch
Towel pickup
Plantar fascia stretch with ball
Seated foot and heel raise
Toe bend
Big toe lift and hold
Standing calf stretch
Deep calf stretch
Ankle rotation
Strengthen exercise
toe spread
Ankle out with the resisted band
basic balance exercise

Exercise for the toe and thumb

Toe raise, point, and curl
Big toe stretch
Toe splay
Toe curls
Marble pickup
Sand walking
Toe extension
passive toe flexion and extension
Active toe flexion and extension
Golf ball roll
Achilles stretch
Strengthening exercise with theraband
Toe lift
Toe spread
Lateral toe stretch
Finger toe stretch


How many types of exercise are there in physiotherapy?

There are a total three of range of motion exercises: start with passive exercise, active exercise, and then active-assistive exercise with apparatus. Passive range of motion exercises is described as physiotherapy moving your affected part or limb because the patient is unable to do the movement of the affected limb. After passive exercises you can jump on active exercises this exercise is performed by the patient’s own effort.

What are the 4 types of physiotherapy?

Different types of physiotherapy treatment
Sports Physiotherapy.
Geriatric Physiotherapy.
Orthopedic Physiotherapy.
Pediatric Physiotherapy.
Neurological Physiotherapy.
Cardiovascular Physiotherapy.

What are the 3 main approaches used by a physiotherapist?

There are three main approaches in the physiotherapist field following:
education, advice gain confidence.
movement and exercise of joints.
mechanical therapy uses machines and apparatus.

What is the Fitt formula?

In the physiotherapy field, this formula is very useful and this formula is for all the exercises such as neck pain, shoulder pain, or ankle pain. the F.I.T.T. protocol is designed for the exercise and included the frequency of exercise duration of exercise, and intensity of exercise.
basically, this protocol is designed for all types of exercise considering the how much frequency of exercise and how much intensity of exercise and also repetition and duration…

What are the 4 principles of exercise?

Principles of Exercise – Physiopedia
For all types of exercise, there is F.I.T.T protocol is designed to include:
Time, and.
Type of activity.

What is the range of motion exercises in physiotherapy?

Range of Motion – Physiopedia
Range of motion exercise is defined as the goal of activity at improving the movement of a specific or particular joint. This movement is reduced by several structures: such as the configuration of bone surfaces within the joint, joint capsule, ligaments, tendons, and muscles acting on the joint.

Can exercise improve eyesight?

Exercise can make your eye muscle strong, there are some specific exercises for some special conditions such as facial palsy and bells palsy during these conditions facial muscles become weak so facial exercises make them strong and increase the strength of the muscles.

Is it good to exercise your toes while painful conditions?

The Benefits of Stretching for Feet and Toes Stretching which provides muscle flexibility.
People who regularly provide stretch and exercise their feet muscles and toes are likely it will make their toe muscles powerful(strength), and increase the range of motion. The result of foot exercises may increase blood flow into the feet, the muscles in the sole of the feet your healthcare provide properly feet muscles stretched, and possibly maintain or increse the range of motion of feet.

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