Pursed Lip breathing exercise
Table of Contents
What is Pursed Lip breathing exercise?
Pursed lip breathing is a simple fashion that consists of alleviation using your nose and expiration using your mouth with help of pursued lips. A case is advised to alleviation using their nose for a many seconds with the mouth unrestricted and also expiration slow over 5 to 7 seconds using lips maintain in a effervescing or position. This procedure did or without abdominal muscle compression
Pursed lip breathing is an important exercise that helps conditions like asthma or habitual obstructive pulmonary complaint when they suffer shortness of breath. It helps lower the dyspnea, and provides a fast and calm way to decelerate your speed of breathing, making breathing patterns more effective it is more effective by making easy and deliberated
What are the Health benefit of Pursed lip breathing exercise?
- Improve oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange
- maintain the expiration rate
- reflect rate of expired air
- reduce respiratory rate and minute ventilation
- work of breathing increase by increase tidal volume
- decrees shortness of breath by slowing breath rate
How to do Pursed lip breathing exercise?
- Sitting with using your back straight or lying down. Relax each shoulder and neck the maximum amount as potential.
- inspiration using your nose for two to three seconds, the air is get into your abdomen. fill your abdomen with air instead of your lungs.
- Purse your lips like you’re processing on hot food then expire slowly, taking double as long to exhale as you took to respire.
- you can repeat For several times. you’ll rise the inspiration and expiration counts from a pair of seconds to four seconds, and so on pursed lip breath effective
pursed deep breathing improve ventilation. this technique allow patient to inspire by nose and expire by mouth by slowing flow of air.in this technique expiatory period is prolong compare to inspiratory period.this technique creates positive expiatory pressure(PEEP)by create back pressure in body.The positive pressure created similar forces exerted on the airways from the flow of expel.
Pursed-lip breathing to be functional, the individual must be able to perform the technique correctly .patient will maintain prolong expiration. Usually patient maintain 3to 5 time a day with prolong duration of expiration prolong duration of technique cause respiratory muscle weakness. If patient having not doing proper exercise so their are chases of carbon dioxide retention
Pursed lip breathing video:
What are Precautions taken during breathing exercisse?
- Don’t do forceful expiration while breath out
- inspiration period is short compare to expiration
- inspiration and expiration are quick and easy
What are the indication of pursed lip breathing exercise?
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)
- asthma
- post operative injury
- head injury
- brain injury
- inspiratory and expiratory muscle weakness
- atelectasis
- abdominal incision
- musculoskeletal weakness
- neurological condition
- anxiety / depression
What are the contraindication of pursed lip breathing exercise ?
- acute medical emergency
- fail chest
- rib fracture around chest
- bronchospasm
- alternate hypertension
- spinal cord injury
- pain and discomfort due to injury
- increase intracranial pressure
- airway obstruction
- diaphragm and intercostal muscle weakness
- blood clotting around chest
- emphysema
- pulmonary infraction