Exercises for Bulging Disc in Lower Back

Best Exercises for Bulging Disc in Lower Back

A bulging disc in the lower back can cause discomfort and limit mobility, affecting daily activities. Addressing this issue through targeted exercises can help alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and strengthen the muscles supporting the spine. It’s crucial to focus on gentle, controlled movements that enhance core stability while avoiding exercises that place undue strain on…

Choose the Right Fertility Treatment

How to Choose the Right Fertility Treatment for You: Factors to Consider

Are you considering fertility treatment but unsure where to start? Choosing the proper fertilitytreatment can be overwhelming, but with the correct information, you can make an informeddecision that suits your needs. In this article, we will guide you through the factors to considerwhen selecting a fertility treatment. Factors to Select Fertility Treatment Understand Your Diagnosis…



Introduction The Bone tissue has both stabilizing and motor activity. In terms of supplying the body’s physical structure bones allow muscles, tendons, and ligaments to connect to them, facilitating movement. Bone is a fibrous substance that contributes to metabolism, aids in motion, improves structure, and protects crucial organs. There are 206 bones in the skeleton of an adult…

anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome
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Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome (ACNES)

What is an Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome? Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES) is a condition characterized by chronic abdominal pain resulting from the entrapment of the anterior cutaneous branches of the lower thoracic intercostal nerves. This syndrome is often underdiagnosed, as its symptoms can mimic other more common abdominal or gastrointestinal conditions, leading…

Physiotherapist-job Vacancy

Require Physiotherapist in Maninagar, Ahmedabad

Job Opportunity for Physiotherapist at Samarpan Physiotherapy Clinic, Maninagar, Ahmedabad. Location: Samarpan Physiotherapy and Weight Loss Clinic01, Nehru Park Society, Near Bhairavnath MandirBhairavnath, Opp. Tirupati Khiru, Maninagar, Ahmedabad. Are you an experienced and kind physical therapist hoping to improve the quality of life for your patients? Samarpan Physiotherapy and Weight Loss Clinic is seeking a…


Axillary Artery

Introduction The axillary artery is a crucial blood vessel located in the upper limb, playing a vital role in the vascular supply to the arm, shoulder, and thorax. It is a direct continuation of the subclavian artery and extends from the outer border of the first rib to the lower border of the teres major…

Common Iliac Artery

Common Iliac Artery

The common iliac artery is a vital component of the vascular system, playing a crucial role in supplying blood to the lower regions of the body. It originates from the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra. The common iliac artery extends bilaterally, with each artery dividing into the…



Introduction: The largest and most important artery in the human body is the aorta. It begins in the left ventricle of the heart, branches upwards right away, and moves down to the belly, where it divides at the aortic bifurcation into two smaller arteries (the common iliac arteries). All bodily parts receive oxygenated blood through the systemic…


Femoral Artery

Introduction The femoral artery is a major blood vessel in the human body, playing a crucial role in the circulatory system. A large blood vessel called the femoral artery supplies oxygenated blood to parts of the lower anterior abdominal wall and lower extremity structures. The external iliac artery emerges as the common femoral artery when…

subclavian artery compression

Subclavian Artery

Introduction The subclavian arteries are a pair of large arteries located below the collarbone in the upper thorax of the human body. The aortic arch provides them with blood. Blood is supplied to the left arm by the left subclavian artery and the right arm by the right subclavian artery, with certain branches also providing…