Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)
Cow Face Pose, also called Gomukhasana, is a sitting yoga pose that stretches the legs, hips, shoulders, and chest.
The word originates from the Sanskrit words Go (cow), Mukha (face), and Asana (stance) and describes the structure of a cow’s face generated by the arms and legs in the pose.
Table of Contents
What Is the Cow Face Pose?
The Sanskrit term for cow face pose is gomukhasana (pronounced go-mu-kha-suh-naa; go — cow, mukha — face, asana — pose). The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a traditional Hatha yoga manual composed in early 14th-century Sanskrit, describes 15 positions, including this one.
For what reason is it called the cow face pose? Here, your elbows behind your back represent the cow’s ears, and your knees, one over the other, represent the cow’s mouth.
When you pose in the cow face, which muscles are used?
- Rotator cuff
- Pectoralis major and minor
- Latissimus dorsi
- rhomboids
- trapezius
- Biceps
- triceps
- forearms
- Gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus
- hip flexors
- adductors
- Quadriceps
- hamstrings
- calves
- core muscles
- Erector spinae
Benefits of the cow face pose
- improves the alignment of your spine and physical posture.
- Stretching the intercostal muscles improves lung capacity.
- improves the ability to breathe both diaphragmatically and abdominally.
- develops the muscles in your spine, shoulder joints, triceps, thighs, hips, and chest; it also improves stiff shoulder suppleness.
When preparing for the cow face pose, which position is used?
- Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Position)
- Garudasana (Eagle Position)
- Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Position)
- Supta Virasana
- Supta Padangusthasana
- Upavistha Konasana
- Virasana
- Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
- Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Position)
- Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
How to do a Cow Face Pose?
- Start in Dandasana or the staff posture.
- Bending the right knee is necessary. Raise your left foot to the outside of your right hip after flowing behind your right knee.
- You have ground your sitting bones.
- Raise your arms to the sides, palms facing inward, and stretch your spine as you breathe.
- Place your right shoulder until your palm is facing the wall behind you and your thumb is pointing downward.
- Start in Dandasana or the staff posture.
- Bending the right knee is necessary. Raise your left foot to the outside of your right hip after flowing behind your right knee.
- When you are sitting, your bones are ground.
- Place your right shoulder until your palm is facing the wall behind you and your thumb is pointing downward.
Cow Face Pose Video:
Which positions come after the cow face pose?
To help your feet adjust after practicing the Gomukhasana (Cow Face Position) exercise, stretch your legs toward the direction opposite you. Following that, try Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Position) to stretch your legs, shoulders, hips, and lower back. Every part of the upper body will be stretched in this yoga pose, which will help the muscles relax.
There are many different ways to practice gomukhasana. There are three ways to perform Gomukhasana (Cow Face Position): sitting in Gomukhasana (Cow Face Position Variation Side Twist), stretching for the ground with the face (see Cow Face Position Eagles Arms Forward Twist), or using the arms in Gomukhasana (Cow Face Position with Eagle Arms). With these variations, the arms and hips will become even more accessible.
- Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Position)
- Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
- Dandasana (Staff Pose)
- Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Bharadvajasana
- Garudasana
- Marichyasana III
- Padmasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Upavistha Konasana
Which cow face pose methods are best for beginners?
- Lower your hips between your feet. Start on your fours and cross your legs, bringing your left knee to the inner of your right knee, if you have difficulty getting into the posture. Get on all fours and move your left knee to the bottom of your right knee if your vertebrae are not equally resting on the floor. Keep your spine long.
- You can try a different hip-opening pose, including the Pigeon pose, or just keep your lower leg out in front of you.
- just place your fingertips together, grasp your top, or use a strap if they don’t meet. Use your upper hand to grasp the strap with your lower hand if you are unable to reach both hands at once.
What is the Cow Face Pose’s Respiratory Recognition?
To stretch your spine in Gomukhasana, place your feet deeply into the pose and bend and cross your legs. To re-inspire, extend your arms past yourself while holding onto your palms. Then, release the other arm. With each breath, stretch deeper into the pose and release the body’s hold on the stimulus.
What is the Variation of Cow Face Pose?
You can try these adjustments or variations of the gomukhasana every day to get the most benefits:
- You can place your arms in front of you, on the floor, or on your knees to support yourself as you continue. Another option is to stand in an alter prayer position with your hands behind your back.
- Keep your knees off if their rigidity prevents you from placing them on one another.
- If your hips are stiff, you can use it to balance in the posture. The off-the-floor side can be sufficiently supported with a blanket.
- If your legs are too large, you can also do this exercise with one leg straight out in front of you and the other bent over the top with your heel situated about your opposite hip.
- Gomukhasana can be made easier by folding around and directing your breasts down to your thighs. It will stretch your hips, triceps, and shoulders a lot.
- In this position, twisting forward will increase the stretch. As a result, rather than using your knees, maintain the weight on your sitting bones. Come out as you inspire. Sit on a block to provide extra space for your legs to enter the posture and to assist in conducting your lower back into a neutral adjustment.
- Use a strap to extend your reach if you have problems holding your hands.
The following well-known variations of the yoga pose have their basis in the Cow Face Position (Gomukhasana):
- Cow Face Position
- Shoelace Position
- Cow Face Position Arms Close Up
- Half Cow Face Position Variation Forward Bend
- Cow Face Position with Eagle Arms
- Half Cow Face Position Variation
- Shoelace Position Variation Forward Bend
- Revolved Shoelace Position
- Cow Face Position Variation Side Stretch
- Cow Face Position Straps
- Cow Face Position Eagle Arms Forward Bend
What are the Types of Cow Face Pose?
- Tied Cow Face Position (Baddha Hasta Gomukhasana
Tied Cow Face Position (Baddha Hasta Gomukhasana)
What is the Tied Cow Face Position?
The English translation of the Sanskrit phrase Baddha Hasta Gomukhasana (Tied Cow Face Position) is “Teased Cow Face Position.” In the words of Baddha Hasta Gomukhasana, Baddha means joined, Mukh signifies face, Hasta signifies arm, and Go indicates cow.
How to Perform Tied Cow Face Position?
- Twisting the left leg is necessary when sitting in the asana position with the left foot on the floor above the right knee. After bending and twisting the right leg, the right heel should be on the floor close to the left buttock. Adjust the right knee so that it rests on the left. Stretch the palm above the head, fold it, and place it on the back of the right arm. Stretch your left arm past your back from the bottom. Try holding both hands together while extending your fingers.
- In the asana position, keep your head, neck, and spine straight. Instead of applying pressure to the inside of the raised arm, apply it to the back of the head. Breathe regularly, relax, and close your eyes.
- Release the asana position: Breathe deeply and place your hands at your sides. Your lower leg should be facing you. Return to a sitting position by adjusting the opposite leg. Exercise on the other side.

What are the Modifications in Cow Face Pose?
Let’s modify this position or look for alternative, simpler approaches:
- Using a good-quality blanket under the buttocks will reduce the tension on the hips and lower back.
- You can make it easier to overlap your thighs by moving your knees closer to the floor and sitting on a block below.
- Using a yoga elastic band or strap between your hands will help if your elbows aren’t strong and flexible enough to hold your palms behind you so they connect.
- Because the Cow Face Pose requires a balance between the two sides of the body, alignment is required. Because some postures, like gomukhasana, can assist balance the two sides of the body, it is essential to practice on the weaker side.
- The head should not fall if you hold your palms together behind you. Check that the chin is in alignment with the chest and collarbone.
- Slowly fold each leg separately, being careful not to overlap the thighs. After many repetitions, move on to the full position, starting with just one leg and one elbow folded.
Contraindications for the Cow Face Pose
You should avoid reaching the cow face pose in the following circumstances:
- If there has been damage to any soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, or tendons
- If you have a damaged thigh,
- If you have hemorrhoids, often known as piles, that are bleeding,
- If you have been diagnosed with spine arthritis, also known as spondylitis,
- In a situation where your shoulders are frozen, hurt, or uncomfortable
- If you are experiencing knee pain
What Common Mistakes Happen in the Cow Face Pose?
- Maintain a posture that is milder than perverse.
- Do not press your hands together.
- When your hands are held, your ribs shouldn’t appear.
- However, make attempts to lower your tailbone to the floor and develop your lower back.
- Additionally, round your back after bending your upper body.
- Spread your collarbones gently.
A powerful yoga pose that improves flexibility, balance, and relaxation is the Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana). It improves posture and spinal alignment while giving the shoulders, chest, hips, and thighs a deep stretch. Frequent use of this pose can improve circulation, reduce stress, and increase mindfulness.
Gomukhasana is an ideal addition to any yoga practice, encouraging both physical and mental well-being, whether it is done for physical reasons or as a component of a meditation practice.
What gives it the name Cow Face Pose?
“Gomukhasana” originates from the Sanskrit words “Go” (cow) and “Mukha” (face). The pose is supposed to represent a cow’s face, with the arms standing in for the ears and the legs for the nose.
What are cow face poses?
increases lung capacity by strengthening your intercostal muscles. improves the ability to breathe via the diaphragm and the abdomen. increases the flexibility of tight shoulders. increases the strength of your triceps, thighs, hips, chest, shoulder joints, and spine.
Why am I unable to perform the cow face pose?
People with tight upper back, shoulder, and chest muscles may find it difficult or impossible to completely extend their arms and hands when they initially approach Cow Face. In this case, it is best to alter your position.
Does the Cow Face Pose increase your hips?
In addition to stretching the hamstrings, thighs, ankles, piriformis, and gluteal muscles, Cow Face Pose provides an important hip opener. The pelvis must be properly positioned to avoid affecting the pelvic rhythm due to the asymmetrical legs.
Can back pain be relieved by Gomukhasana?
Indeed, it might reduce shoulder and hip tension and improve spinal alignment, both of which could decrease back pain. However, before practicing, people who are in a lot of pain should consult with a healthcare provider.
What happens if my hands cannot be connected behind my back?
Use a towel or yoga strap to cover the space if you are unable to reach your hands. You can also keep your lower hand on your back or grab onto your clothes.
If my hips are stiff, can I continue to perform Cow Face Pose?
Yes, however, you may adjust it by sitting on a yoga block or blanket to make the pose more comfortable. An alternative to elevating both knees is to maintain one leg extended.
How do I make the position deeper?
To increase the hip stretch, fold forward while maintaining a straight spine.
For improved alignment, contract your core while pulling your knees together.
Is it possible to include Gomukhasana in a yoga flow?
Indeed, for a well-rounded stretch, it is frequently combined with forward bends and shoulder openers or utilized in setting routines.
- EkhartYoga. (2021, March 31). How to do Cow Face Pose or Gomukhasana – Ekhart Yoga. Ekhart Yoga.
- Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) Modifications | (n.d.).
- SR, V. (2024, August 21). How to Do a Cow Face Yoga Pose. WebMD.
- Mandial, D. (2024, May 22). Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) – Step-by-Step Guide, Benefits and Precautions. Truemeds.
- Sorathiya, D. (2024, October 2). Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) – Benefits, How to do? Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic.