Forearm muscle pain

Forearm muscle pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercises

When you feel the pain during the hand & arm movement, it is indicated as forearm muscle pain. this pain is highly disruptive to the daily life of the patient. this pain results from different causes & each cause is requiring a different treatment approach. What is forearm muscle pain? The forearm is composed of…

Pectineus muscle pain
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Pectineus muscle pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel the groin / upper thigh pain & also feel the tingling/weakness/numbness in the groin or leg, It is indicated to be pectineus muscle pain.In this muscle pain, you also hear the pop/snapping sound. What is the pectineus muscle pain? What is the Anatomy of the pectineus muscle? What is the cause of…

Sartorius muscle

Sartorius muscle pain: Cause, symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel pain in the front of the hip joint while they flex & rotate the joint & during walking, it is indicated to be sartorius muscle pain. This pain is produced by many reasons like Sartorius muscle strain & Tear of the sartorius muscle. this pain is relieved by physiotherapy treatment. What is…

brachialis muscle

Brachialis Muscle Pain: Cause, symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel pain in the arm & limit the movement or use of the arm, it is indicated to be brachialis muscle pain. This pain occurs due to forceful or repetitive strain on the brachialis muscle. this pain is reduced by the RICE method & physiotherapy treatment. What is brachialis muscle pain? What is…

Tibialis Anterior Muscle Pain

Tibialis Anterior Muscle Pain: Cause, symptoms, Treatment and Exercise

If you feel the pain inside of the lower leg & shin, it is indicative of the tibialis anterior muscle pain, it is due to the overuse of this muscle & collapse of the medial arch. What is the Tibialis Anterior Muscle Pain? What is the anatomy of the Tibialis Anterior Muscle? What are the…

brachioradialis muscle pain

Brachioradialis Muscle Pain: Cause, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel pain in the forearm & elbow, it is indicated to be Brachioradialis Pain. this pain feels like shooting pain. This pain occurs due to muscle strain & tendonitis of muscle. What is Brachioradialis Muscle Pain? What is the anatomy of the brachioradialis muscle? What are the causes of the brachioradialis pain? What…

Tensor Fascia Latae muscle pain

Tensor Fascia Latae Muscle Pain: Cause, symptoms, Treatment and Exercise

When people feel pain in the top & outside of the hip joint & anterolateral portion of the thigh, it is indicated to be Tensor Fascia Latae muscle pain, which mostly occurs in the runner. this pain occurs due to tightness in the muscle. What is the Tensor Fascia Latae muscle pain? What is the…

Piriformis muscle pain

Piriformis Muscle Pain: Cause, Symptom, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel pain in the buttocks & in the lower back which radiates down the leg to the foot, it is indicated to be Piriformis muscle pain.This pain occurs due to many reasons mostly when occurring the Piriformis syndrome. What is Piriformis muscle pain? What is the anatomy of the Piriformis muscle? What are…

Serratus anterior muscle pain
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Serratus anterior pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

In Serratus anterior pain you will feel the pain in the arm & flexion movement of the shoulder above 90, this is produced by the Serratus anterior muscle. The most common causes of this serratus anterior muscle pain are tension, stress & overuse. It is common in sports with repetitive motions like swimming, tennis/weightlifting. Serratus…