Middle back muscle pain

Middle back muscle pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel sharp or stabbing pain below the neck & above the bottom of the rib cage, it is indicated to be muscle pain in the middle back.You also feel tightness or stiffness in the muscle.This muscle pain is produced due to many reasons like sprain & strain in a muscle, and injury in…

Muscle pain in the upper back
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Muscle Pain In The Upper Back

When you feel pain in the upper back during some daily activities or weekend-warrior activity.You also feel tightness & spasms in the upper back muscle.This pain is produced due to many reasons like neck muscle strain, and injury.This muscle pain is released by to RICE principle, pain medication & physiotherapy treatment. What Is the Upper…

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Biceps Femoris Tendinopathy

What is biceps femoris tendinopathy? Tendonitis or tendinopathy? Anatomy of the Biceps femoris muscle Introduction: OriginLong head: ischial tuberosityShort head: linea aspera & lateral supracondylar line of the femur Insertion: Lateral aspect of fibular head Nerve supply: It is a composite muscle as the short head of the biceps femoris develops in the flexor compartment…

Hamstring Pain
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Semimembranosus muscle strain

What is Semimembranosus strain? A Semimembranosus strain also called a Semimembranosus muscle pull occurs when one or more of these muscles gets over-stretched and leads to tear. Semimembranosus strain can be mild, with less pain and related symptom’s and short recovery time. Or, they can be moderate to severe and need surgery and require rest…

Triceps muscle strain

Triceps muscle strain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

What is a triceps muscle strain? Triceps muscle strain generally does following an unexpected workforce or extent on the muscle. There’s instant pain and sometimes feeling a sharp pain in the muscle or a popping sound. This isn’t a common muscle strain, although may sometimes do in sports or weightlifters where rapid, forceful elbow extension…