sensory ataxia


What is Ataxia? Ataxia occurs when you have a problem with coordination, causing you to move in an unsure, uncomfortable, or even clumsy manner. It typically indicates a problem with your brain, hearing, or other nervous system components. A collection of conditions or a disease’s symptoms might be referred to as ataxia. Ataxia is a…

Superior Vesical Artery

Superior Vesical Artery

Anatomy of Superior Vesical Artery The superior vesical artery is a vital blood vessel that arises from the umbilical artery, primarily supplying blood to the superior part of the bladder. It plays an essential role in the vascularization of the bladder and is particularly significant in both males and females. In males, it also contributes…

Medical Cannabis

Treating Pain with Medical Cannabis in the UK

In the UK, cannabis for pain is becoming an increasingly popular option for managing chronic pain conditions like arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Traditional painkillers such as opioids can lead to dependency and come with a range of side effects. Medical cannabis offers a natural alternative, providing effective pain relief without the risks. Clinics like Releaf…

buffalo hump

Buffalo Hump

What is a Buffalo Hump? A buffalo hump, medically known as a dorsocervical fat pad, is an abnormal accumulation of fat between the shoulder blades. This condition can give the appearance of a hump on the upper back, resembling the shape of a buffalo’s hump, hence the name. While it can be associated with certain…

Choose the Right Fertility Treatment

How to Choose the Right Fertility Treatment for You: Factors to Consider

Are you considering fertility treatment but unsure where to start? Choosing the proper fertilitytreatment can be overwhelming, but with the correct information, you can make an informeddecision that suits your needs. In this article, we will guide you through the factors to considerwhen selecting a fertility treatment. Factors to Select Fertility Treatment Understand Your Diagnosis…

anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome
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Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome (ACNES)

What is an Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome? Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES) is a condition characterized by chronic abdominal pain resulting from the entrapment of the anterior cutaneous branches of the lower thoracic intercostal nerves. This syndrome is often underdiagnosed, as its symptoms can mimic other more common abdominal or gastrointestinal conditions, leading…

Physiotherapist-job Vacancy

Require Physiotherapist in Maninagar, Ahmedabad

Job Opportunity for Physiotherapist at Samarpan Physiotherapy Clinic, Maninagar, Ahmedabad. Location: Samarpan Physiotherapy and Weight Loss Clinic01, Nehru Park Society, Near Bhairavnath MandirBhairavnath, Opp. Tirupati Khiru, Maninagar, Ahmedabad. Are you an experienced and kind physical therapist hoping to improve the quality of life for your patients? Samarpan Physiotherapy and Weight Loss Clinic is seeking a…


Cervical Spine

Introduction The cervical spine is comprised of the initial 7 vertebrae, alluded to as C1-7 (see the pictures underneath). It has the capability to give versatility and soundness to the head while interfacing it with the moderately stationary thoracic spine. The cervical spine might be separated into 2 sections: upper and lower. The cervical spine,…