Guyon Canal Syndrome (Ulnar tunnel syndrome)
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Guyon Canal Syndrome (Ulnar tunnel syndrome)

What is a Guyon Canal Syndrome? Guyon Canal syndrome, also known as ulnar tunnel syndrome or ulnar neuropathy at the wrist, is a condition that affects the ulnar nerve as it passes through a narrow space called the Guyon’s canal. Clinically Relevant Anatomy The boundaries of the Guyon Canal are: Causes of Guyon Canal Syndrome:…

9 Best Exercise for Anterior Pelvic Tilt

9 Best Exercise for Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Exercise for Anterior Pelvic Tilt is an important part of your overall treatment program mainly stretching exercise for tight muscles and resisted exercise for weak muscles as per the assessment of an individual person who has Anterior pelvic tilt. Anterior pelvic tilt (APT) is a postural imbalance that occurs when the front of the pelvis…