Elbow Examination

Elbow Examination

Introduction Elbow Examination is an important part of Diagnosing Elbow pain related various conditions, such as Tennis elbow, Golfer’s elbow etc. Your Doctors will examine you through various Physical examination test that helps to rule out diagnosis of your elbow pain related conditions. Clinical Presentation Subjective History Environmental as well as Personal Factors Self-Report Outcome…

cervical spine examination

Cervical examination

Introduction What to do before the investigation? General Inspection Subjective Red Flags Cervical Myelopathy Signs & Symptoms Cervical Instability Definition Sign and symptoms Vertebral Artery Insufficiency Sign & symptom Inflammatory or even Systemic Disease Sign and symptoms Yellow Flags Investigations Radiological Considerations Observation Posture Palpation Supine position Prone position Movement Tests Functional Movement Combined movements…


Ankle strengthening exercise

Introduction What is the ankle strengthening exercise? Which muscle is used for ankle strengthening exercise? There have many benefits of performing ankle strengthening exercises Here explained the cause of ankle weakness as well as ankle injury Some ankle strengthening exercise Standing Heel Raises Single-Leg Balance on the Unstable Surface Eversion Isometrics Inversion Isometrics Resisted Strengthening…

Kneeling Triceps Kickback Finisher

Top 30 Triceps muscles strengthening exercise

Introduction What is triceps strengthening exercises? Some health benefits from stronger triceps There have different strengthening exercises for the triceps muscle to improve the strength Overhead Triceps Extension Triceps Kickbacks Triceps Underhand Kickbacks Standing Eccentric Triceps Extensions Skull Crushers Close-Grip Dumbbell Press Tate Press Diamond Push-Ups Chaturanga Push-Up Up-Down Planks Chair Dips Classic (or Modified)…

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Hand muscles strengthening exercise

Introduction What is hand strengthening exercise? Which muscles are utilized for hand-strengthening exercises? Following is the list of Hand muscles that are strengthened when the person is doing this exercise. Health Benefits of performing Hand strengthening exercise Hand Exercises To Strengthen A Hand muscle as well as Maintain its Flexibility Using the Squeeze Ball Gripper…


Best 40 Biceps muscle strengthening exercise for Strong arm

Introduction What is the Biceps strengthening exercises? What health benefits of doing the biceps strengthening exercise? Four Rules That Are Key to Building your Bigger Biceps Build Bigger Biceps Rule number 1: Warm Up Build Bigger Biceps Rule number 2: Change Up the Workouts Build Bigger Biceps Rule number 3: The Importance of Breathing Build…


30 Best Quadriceps Strengthening Exercises

Introduction What are Quadriceps strengthening exercises? Some health benefits of doing quadriceps strengthening exercise There are different exercises to strengthen the quadriceps muscles Static Quadriceps exercise Straight Leg Raises Short Arc Quads Wall Slides Goblet Squat Eccentric Squat exercise Terminal Knee Extension Body weight squat Wall Squat with Leg Raise Walking lunge Step-up Kneeling Leg…

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Gluteus muscle strengthening exercise

Introduction What is glute muscle strengthening exercise? The glute group muscles have three various muscles Gluteal muscles are a crow of 3 muscles, which are described here: Health benefits by performing the glute muscle strengthening exercise Here explained the Best exercises to build the glute muscle strong Fire hydrant Single leg step-ups Side squats Glute…

Hip adductor muscles strengthening exercises

Hip adductor muscles strengthening exercises

What are the hip adductor muscle strengthening exercises? What are the adductors muscles? The hip adductors include the following muscles: What is the Contrast between Hip Adductors & Hip Abductors? Health Benefits Of Hip Adductor Exercises Below explained some benefits of doing hip adductor exercises Here explained the Best Hip Adductor Strengthening Exercises Hip Adductor…

Wall Sit Calf Raise

Calf muscle strengthening exercise

Introduction What is calf muscle strengthening exercise? Health benefits of calf strengthening exercise Here explained different strengthening exercises for the calf muscle Seated Calf Raise Standing Dumbbell or Barbell Calf Raise Barbell Split Squats Leg press exercise Body weight Calf Raise Single-Leg Forward Leaning Calf Raise Jumping Calf Press Wall Sit Calf Raise Carioca Agility…