Muscle Spasm In Shoulder

Muscle Spasm In Shoulder

Definition- Muscles in shoulder joint- Muscles between the spine and shoulder blade; Rhomboids minor and major: Levator scapulae: Muscles that cross over the scapula; Trapezius- Serratus anterior– Muscles between the shoulder blade and upper arm; Rotator cuff- Supraspinatus- The Subscapularis – Infraspinatus and teres minor- Causes of shoulder muscle spasm- Symptoms of shoulder blade muscle…

Middle Back pain

Back spasm

A spasm in the back muscles is a common type of back pain. They may be tiny twinges or crippling contractions.Home remedies like ice and heat can help, as can muscle relaxants, massages, stretches, and consistent exercise. Sometimes back spasms can Be a sign of a serious disorder and a Person may need to consult…

Constraint Induced Movement Therapy

Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)

What is a Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)? The three major components of CIMT include the following- Defining CIMT- Types of constraint- Duration and timing of “traditional” and “modified” CI therapy program- Application of constraint-induced movement therapy- How does CIMT Work? Improvements in hand function are achieved by: Benefits of CIMT: Indication- Stroke Onset: Post-stroke…

Arm muscle pain

Muscle Spasm In Arm

Definition of muscle spasm- Arm Muscles Movement- Flexion- Extension- Abduction- Adduction- Causes of muscle spasm in Arm- Causes of muscle spasm- Other causes of Arm muscle spasms- Symptoms of Muscle Spasm In Arm- Diagnosis of Arm muscle spasm- Other tests- Blood tests- A creatine phosphokinase – MRI- CT SCAN- EMG- Treatment of Muscle Spasm In…

structural vs functional scoliosis

Structural vs Functional Scoliosis: What is the Difference?

There are mainly two types of Scoliosis – functional scoliosis and structural scoliosis. To Differentiate between which type of scoliosis a patient is actually suffering from is useful in planning treatment. In this article, you learn what is the difference between functional and structural scoliosis. Definition of structural scoliosis when the patient’s spine actually has…

Muscle pain in the neck

Muscle Spasm In Neck

What are neck spasms? How Neck Muscles Work– Causes of neck spasm- Neck Strain or Sprain- Overexerting Neck or General Fatigue- Herniated Disc- Facet Joint Osteoarthritis- Mechanical Dysfunction- Peripheral Neuropathy- Myofascial Pain Syndrome- Stress or anxiety- Cervical Dystonia- Symptoms- Diagnosis of muscle spasm- Other tests- Blood tests- A creatine phosphokinase – MRI- CT SCAN- EMG-…