11 Best Exercises for Trapezius Muscle Pain
Exercise for Trapezius Muscle Pain is an important part of your overall treatment program that helps to strengthen your weak trapezius muscles and also improves flexibility.
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Trapezius muscle pain also called Trapezitis is described as a condition of inflammation in the trapezius muscle which further reason to pain and spasm in the neck. trapezius has mostly seen in people with poor or faulty posture. activity such as among people working at desks, using computers, and mobile phones, and also those who use their neck and back muscles a lot. people who work through computers for a long duration in a sitting position and head in the forward position or drive for long distances majorly suffer from trapezitis. this condition is mostly the reason when you put your head in one position for a long period or duration. which developed the trapezitis condition.
Exercise for this condition provides pain relief(many types of stretching for trapezius muscle) and reduces inflammation through heat therapy, and the exercise also provides the strength of a particular muscle. exercise makes your muscle strong and flexible. Physiotherapy provides the heat modality for pain relief and any other modality and exercise to strengthen the muscle.
Causes of Trapezius muscle pain include:
Driving for long distances.
Weak muscles of the neck and back
Trauma or injury
Poor posture (that involves holding your head forward for a long, Working for a long period on a desktop, Faulty sleeping posture, Driving for long distances, Sitting in a chair for long without a proper armrest or back support, watching television in an awkward position)
lifting heavy bags or purses for long durations.
Not getting adequate rest.
Excessive stress-related tension.
Symptoms of Trapezius Muscle Pain
Neck to shoulder Pain is felt at the cervix of the neck or upper back usually severe at night
Stiffness in the neck with restricted movements
Pain may radiate to arms and hands
Chronic cases of trapezius muscle pain or suffering from severe spasms may also lead to tingling. numbness or weakness in the arm or hand on the affected side.
Best stretching exercise for Trapezius Muscle pain
Trapezius Self Stretching

This is a great process to stretch the trapezius muscle.
You should start by taking a sitting or standing position according to your comfort zone. Place one hand on the back(it is necessary) which helps you take stretching & place the other hand’s head.
Now stretch your head on another side which provides the stretch to tour trapezius muscle. If you provide stretch on the right side of the muscle then give the stretch to the head on the left side.
When you felt stretched then stop there. and you should be considered on stretch not take overstretched. Hold this trapezius stretching for 30 secs or 60 and then performed it on the other side. you should take 3 repetitions.
performed it two to three times.
Shoulder stretch

This is a great process to stretch the trapezius muscle.
You should start by taking a sitting or standing position according to your comfort zone. Place one hand on the back(it is necessary) which helps you take stretching & place the other hand’s head.
Now stretch your head on another side which provides the stretch to tour trapezius muscle. If you provide stretch on the right side of the muscle then give the stretch to the head on the left side.
When you felt stretched then stop there. and you should be considered on stretch not take overstretched. Hold this trapezius stretching for 30 secs or 60 and then performed it on the other side. you should take 3 repetitions.
performed it two to three times.
Extended Child’s Pose on Fingertips stretch

You can start with the take Kneeling position on the floor or mat.
then you should try to Touch your big toes together & the patient is sitting on the heels.
you should separate or split the knee joint about as wide as the hip joint.
Then you should take forward bending from the hip joint & walk the hands out as far in front of them as possible.
With the elbow fully extended palms are facing down then come up onto the fingertips as if the ball underneath the palms & melts the chest toward the floor or ground.
Ear-to-shoulder stretch

Ear-to-shoulder stretch is also taken by yourself you can take the sitting or standing position which position is suitable. You are sitting with a straight spine you can also use a supported chair or put the pillow between the chair and your spine & tilt your head toward your right shoulder joint.
Then go as far as you can go without stressing the muscle & avoid lifting your left shoulder joint lift your shoulder makes your shoulder posture incorrect.
For Deeply stretch by using your right hand to gently pull your head down.
Hold this stretching position for 30 seconds or 60 seconds which is necessary.
Repeat this ear-to-shoulder stretching exercise 3 times in 1 session and performed it three times per day.
Pendulum stretch

This exercise provides relaxation to your shoulder muscles. for this exercise, you should take the support of a plinth or chair. which is necessary for this exercise.
For the pendulum stretch you want the dumble or heavy weight according to your strength.
Then Place the right hand on a table & chair for support and with the other hand you can hold the dumbales.
And then the left arm hangs down. your body posture should lean forward.
then Swing the left arm gently in small circular motions(movement anticlockwise or clockwise) and other work is done by gravity(which the muscle towards the surface and provides the relaxation).
Continue this pendulum stretch exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Then Change the direction of the motion of the performed horizontal and verticle motion.
Repeat this pendulum stretching exercise 3 times in 1 session and performed it three times per day.
Eagle arm stretch

The eagle arm stretch is a difficult exercise for beginners you want to practice this exercise. You want an exercise mat for this exercise this exercise is considered as yoga. start with the standing position your feet hip-width apart.
Starting with lift your arms to the sides lift the arms to the sides and inhale during this step.
And then swing the arms toward the body the process is done during Exhale your breath.
Then place the right arm to cross under the left arm and make the namaskar position of your hand.
hamper the left elbow joint in the crook of the right elbow joint.
Make the palms together so that they reach for each other.
When you are not able to touch the palms are & hold the backs of the hands together.
Then take three or four deep breaths.
Repeat this eagle arm stretch exercise performed the ree times in one session and take three sessions per day.
Trapezius Strengthening exercise
Prone rows exercise

Prone rows exercise provides strength to your trapezius muscle and this exercise can be performed for weak, muscle which maintains strength.
And then take the prone position on the plinth or mat and put the pillow under the head for a comfortable position. put your hand outside of the plinth for free movement of your shoulder. put your hand in the verticle position.
And then try to raise the arm in a horizontal position and rotate the hand to the thumbs-up position.
Hold prone rows exercise when the hand is at shoulder level and the arm is parallel to the floor or ground.
Slowly lower the arm to the starting position and hold it for five or ten seconds.
Performed this exercise three to five times per day.
performed the exercise by pressing on the side of the head. Repeat ten to fifteen times, then on other sides.
Horizontal Rows exercise

For the horizontal rows exercise you required a theraband according to your strength there are strengthening bands available in many colors according to your strength. Attach theraband around a stable object, like the pole of a door. which provides stability to your strengthened band.
The patient’s position can be either kneeling or standing position which position is comfortable.
Now you should hold both ends of the theraband, Bring shoulders up and down.
Then Slowly pull your elbows which provide the strength, squeezing your shoulder blades together
Hold this position for five to ten seconds and repeat 10-15 times per session.
Arm circles exercise

For arm circle exercise take standing upright with your arms 90 degrees abducted. you should maintain the normal base of support of your foot.
Then performed a circular motion from your arms which can be clockwise or anticlockwise.
It should be necessary to keep your arms straight in 90-degree abduction.
After performing 15 -20 repetitions, change – to the opposite direction so that you move your arms in a circle going backward.
Repeat this exercise ten to fifteen repetitions in 1 session and repeat this session four times per day.
Shoulder rolls exercise

For shoulder roll exercise you can take the sitting or standing position First Maintain good posture in the standing or sitting position. make your body relaxed during exercise.
Then performed a circular motion through your shoulder joint up, back & down. clockwise and anticlockwise.
Preformed this exercise movement 15 -20 times.
Then roll your shoulder in a circular motion, clockwise and anticlockwise 15-20 times minimum.
You should repeat this exercise 15 -20 times in one session and take three sessions per day.
Shoulder blade squeeze exercise
The shoulder blade squeeze exercise maintains the mobility of the shoulder joint. and maintain the strength of shoulder muscles. first, you should take a Standing up straight position.
You should put your both hand on the wall your palm should be facing down. your shoulder should be 90 degrees abducted and your elbow should be slightly extended.
Pull your shoulder joint blades down and back. which down position you can take the pause for 5 seconds the takedown position.
Then back to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise 10 -15 times in one session & repeat this session four times per day.
Making lifestyle changes to help in the prevention
Good posture will help to reduce the strain off your trapezius muscles cause of reduce pain.
Sit and stand up straight during the day. As you do, bring your shoulders down, and make sure you should avoid the forward head position. Maintain your head in a straight position.
Avoid activities that provide you with poor posture such as holding a phone on one shoulder.
you should stop carrying a heavy backpack or shoulder bag. A heavy backpack provides you with strain on your trapezius muscles.
Elevate your electronics so you don’t slouch over. Slouching posture can develop tenderness in your trapezius muscles which causes pain and tension, and if you are using your smartphone or computer, you may make a slump position which causes tension so avoid a slump position. To correct the issue, change the device position the device place it is eye level.
If you are used to working at a desk, you should avoid the forward head position, and take a rest between the work which provides relaxation to the muscles. take the same stretch between the work.
you should Adjust your keyboard and armrests to the correct height which is prevent you from having poor posture.
How can I keep my trapezius healthy?
You should be maintaining a flexible body give some stretching to the muscle and exercise, with a wide variety of shoulder and trap exercises available to increase mobility, build strength, and loosen up sore muscles.
Be careful not to perform overexercise when you start for the gym. Whenever discomfort or pain is felt, stop.
You should maintain a healthy weight because this reduces the risk of muscle stress or strain and maintains flexibility. Discuss with your healthcare provider about the ideal what should be weight for your body. Stretch and warm up do it for 5-10 minutes before beginning your workout.
Before beginning your workout, make sure to take them to properly stretch the major muscles of your body such as calf stretch (gastrocnemius muscle and soleus). hamstring stretch, biceps stretch and triceps stretch and warm up the duration should be 15-30 minutes. through exercise, your muscles become warm and flexible, and the risk of sustaining an injury is less. the regular trapezius stretch makes your muscle more flexible.
Trapezius Muscle Strain Treatment
Rest: minimize the use of the involved muscles.
Ice: ice reduces swelling in involved muscles.
Compression: compression therapy reduces swelling in the muscles.
Anti-inflammatory drugs: used to decrease swelling and pain in the muscles.
Physical Therapy: to gain the strength of muscles and movent to the trap muscles after they heal.
Massage therapy is used by applying mild to moderate pressure to targeted areas to relax tight muscles and increase blood flow in the affected area to decrease inflammation. This massage therapy has been used to reduce pain associated with trapezius strain as well as maintain mobility in those affected areas. and there are specific types of massage such as friction massage. apply massage in a circular motion and apply origin to insertion to the trapezius muscle.
If you have trapezius muscle pain or back pain that does not better in a few days, call your healthcare. Go and get a checkup by your healthcare if you have severe muscle weakness or you have suffered from difficulty in moving your shoulders, lifting your arms, or moving your head. These could be signs of nerve damage that can lead to paralysis of the trapezius muscle.
If there is a trapezius with muscular spasm and tightness present in the trapezius muscles just origin to insertion to the muscle, which gives stress on the bundle of nerves (the brachial plexus) and blood supply to the arms can occur and aggravate or produce the symptoms such as heaviness, aching, fatigue and numbness radiating start to the arms to the and with the fourth and fifth fingers to the hand.
Yoga for the Trapezius…involvement of the neck and shoulders this type of yoga performed which maintains the flexibility and mobility of your body posture
Yoga poses to loosen help in losing the trapezius muscles, neck, and shoulders
Yoga can help to manage this stress and decrease tension in the trapezius muscle, neck, and shoulder area.