Pelvic floor exercise:
These pelvic floor exercise are a powerful way to improve your pelvic floor health & well-being.
This pelvic floor is a group of muscles which are helping to support your bladder, uterus & other pelvic organs.
When these pelvic floor muscles become too healthy & strong then these muscles are given to support your organs & must keep them in place.
Many of these pelvic floor muscles that make up the pelvic floor are internal & involuntary means these muscles are made in the body & cannot be controlled or modified by the mind or will.
Table of Contents
What are the muscles of the pelvic floor?

On the pelvic floor, muscles include superficial & deep muscles:
- Superficial muscle :
- Transverse perinei
- Ischiocavernosus
- Bulbocavernosus
- Deep muscles :
- Coccygeus
- Ileococcygeuys,
- Pubococcygeus,
- Puborectalis muscles :
- These muscles are located between the superficial & deep muscle layers.
What is the goal of pelvic floor exercise?
- All exercise helps to inhibit involuntary bladder contractions & decrease incontinence.
What are the Health benefits of pelvic floor exercise?
- Pelvic floor exercises help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscle.
- Pelvic floor muscle exercise allows you better support for the bladder, uterus & bowels.
- This all exercise also helps with bladder & bowel control.
- Pelvic floor exercises also help in some conditions like incontinence, urinary leakage, pelvic pressure & lower back pain.
What are Exercises for the hypo tonic pelvic floor muscles?
- Hypotonic muscle means a decrease in the tone of the muscle.
- Quick flick Kegels
- Heel slides
- Marches

Quick flick Kegels :
- The starting position of this exercise is supine.
- You are lying with the knee joint bent & feet flat on the floor.
- For the easy exercise perform this exercise in a sitting & standing position.
- Then find the pelvic floor muscles.
- Exhale with a pull to the navel to the spine.
- Try to quickly contract & release to the pelvic floor muscles.
- Hold this contraction for 10 seconds then to the releasing.
- Repeat the quick flick contraction 10 times & rest for 10 seconds.
- Perform this exercise in the 3 sets.
Heel slides :

- The starting position of this exercise is supine.
- This exercise starts with lying on the floor with the knee joint bent & pelvis in a neutral position.
- During inhale into rib cage & exhale through for to the mouth.
- Then let the ribs naturally compress.
- Try to draw to the pelvic floor up & lock into the core muscle
- Then slide to the right heel away from the body.
- You are only going without the loss of the connection to the deep core muscle.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.

- The starting position of this exercise is supine.
- Start with lying on the floor with the knee joint bent & pelvis in a neutral position.
- Try to inhale into the rib cage, then exhale through to the mouth, letting the ribs naturally compress.
- Then draw to the pelvic floor up & lock into the core muscle.
- Try to slowly lift one leg onto the tabletop position & lower the leg to return to starting position.
- Repeat this movement with the opposite leg.
- Stop this exercise when you feel pain in the lower back.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
What are exercises for hypertonic pelvic floor muscles?
- Hypertonic muscle means an increase in muscle tone so that limbs become too stiff & difficult to move.
- Happy Baby Pose
- Diaphragmatic breathing
Happy Baby Pose :

- The starting position of this exercise is supine.
- Start this exercise by lying on the floor with the knee joints bent.
- Bring to the knee joint toward the belly at the 90-degree angle, with the soles of the feet facing up.
- Try to grab & hold to the outside/ inside of the feet.
- Then open to the knee joint till which is slightly wider than the torso.
- Try to bring the feet up toward the armpits.
- Make sure to the ankle joint is over to the knee joint
- Then flex to the heels & push the feet into the hands.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.

- The starting position of this exercise is supine
- Start this exercise by lying flat on the floor on a yoga or exercise mat.
- You are also performing this exercise in the sitting position.
- Perform this exercise for a few seconds for progressive relaxation.
- You must focus on releasing the tension into the body.
- To relax, put one hand onto the stomach & your other hand onto the chest.
- Try to inhale through to the nose for the expansion of the stomach & chest to stay relatively still.
- You are breathing into the for the 5 seconds by nose & exhale the slowly by mouth.
- Repeat this exercise is for to several times.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
What is the normal exercise of the pelvic floor muscle?
- Lunges
- Swiss ball squats
- Kegel Exercises for the men
- Kegel exercise for the women
- Bridge
- Squats
Lunges :

- Start this exercise in a standing position with the feet hip-width apart.
- Try to step forward longer than the walking stride so that one leg stays ahead of the torso & the other leg is too behind.
- Place your foot in the land to the flat & also remain to the flat on to the ground.
- Your heel rises off to the ground.
- Then bend to the knee joint to approximately 90 degrees & lower.
- Must be kept to the trunk upright & core muscle engaged.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Swiss ball squats:

- The first place to the ball between the wall and lower back.
- Try to walk to the feet out slightly.
- then lower the body toward the floor into a squat position to continuously push back off the ball.
- Bend to the knee joint for to 90 degrees & also do the bending till you feel comfortable.
- try to straighten the legs & keep the body weight over to the heels & return to the standing position.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Kegel Exercises for the men :

- Start this exercise by holding on to the pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds.
- Try to pull into the pelvic floor & think of the pulling in & lifting to the up genitals.
- You are not holding your breath during this exercise.
- You are counting out too loud & stop to the from hold to breath.
- After holding for 10 seconds slowly & completely relax the muscles for 15 seconds.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
- During this exercise, you are not used to the leg, stomach & buttock muscles.
- This exercise helps the regain urinary control and also helps improve sexual health.
- You are mostly performing this exercise supine on a bed & sitting position in a chair.
- You are performing this exercise in your comfortable position.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Kegel exercise for the women :

- You are in a sitting & lie position to the down.
- Try to tighten the pelvic floor muscles.
- Hold this position to the tight & count for 3 to 5 seconds.
- Then relax the muscles & count to 3 to 5 seconds.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.

This bridge exercise is primarily used to strengthen the buttocks muscle but it also helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle.
- You are lying on the back & bend the knee joint, with the feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart.
- Must keep the arms by the sides with the palms facing down.
- Try to contract the buttocks & pelvic floor muscles.
- Then lift the buttocks several inches off the ground.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Then relax the buttocks & pelvic floor muscles to lower the buttocks to the ground.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
- With the strength of the pelvic floor, muscle increases with more repetitions with time.

This squat exercise helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle & buttocks in children.
- You stand with the feet hip-width apart & must keep your feet flat on the floor.
- Bend at the knee joint to bring the buttocks toward the floor & going only as low as is comfortable.
- Must keep the back straight & tilted slightly forward.
- The knee joint is placed in line with the toes.
- You are focused on tightening the buttocks muscle & pelvic floor during returning to a standing position.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
What is the yoga of to the pelvic floor muscle?
- Mountain pose
- Chair pose
- Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
- Locust pose (Salabhasana)
- Constructive Rest (Savasana Variation Bent Legs)
- Knees to Chest (Apanasana)
- Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana and Bitilasana)
- Wide-Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana )
- Wide-Legged Squat (Malasana)
- Reclining Cross Shin Position (Supta Sukasana)
- Hook Lying with Block
- Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)
- Dvipada Pitham (Two-Footed Pose)
- Supta Prasarita Padangusthasana [Reclining Wide-Legged Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose] variation
- Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose)
- Maalasana – The Garland Position
- Setu Bandhasana

Mountain pose :
- The starting position of this exercise is the standing position.
- Then standing with to the feet is to the hip distance of to the apart.
- Put your hands resting on the sides.
- Place the block, pillow & thick book between the thighs.
- Then engage the inner thigh muscle & try to lift the block upwards.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Chair pose :

- The starting position of this exercise is the standing position.
- You are in a standing position with the arms in a stretched position to upwards & the tips of the fingers are to the lengthened towards the ceiling.
- Try to bend to the knee joint & must be kept to the back straight as to the possible & push to the hip joint back into a squat when you are in sitting down the position into the chair.
- Must be kept to the heels connected to the floor, without the hip joint dipping them any lower than to the knee joint.
- Hold this yoga pose for a couple of breaths.
- Try to lift the pelvic floor upwards & straighten up again slowly.
- Repeat this pose with for to the comfortably.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) :

- The starting position of this exercise into the standing position.
- Take to step to the right foot of to the forwards with to the front & back foot about to the 1 meter to the apart.
- Try to lift the arms straight out to the sides so that this position is parallel to the floor.
- Must be kept to the right foot straight & and to the turn to the left foot out of to the slightly so that your toes are pointing away from the body.
- Then bend to the right knee joint over to the right ankle joint then keep the left leg straight.
- First, tighten to the tummy by pressing the belly button off to the spine & pull up to the pelvic floor.
- Hold this exercise for about 30 seconds, then straighten to the right leg.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Locust pose (Salabhasana) :

- You are lying on the mat or the towel flat on the tummy, with both legs together & arms to the sides.
- You rest onto the nose & forehead gently on the mat.
- During inhale & lift the head, chest, arms, knee joint & feet off the floor.
- Try to squeeze the tummy muscles, glutes & buttock muscles for help or lift everything off to the floor.
- Must be kept to the legs straight out & hold this exercise for about 30 seconds.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.

Constructive Rest (Savasana Variation Bent Legs) :
- You are lying down with the feet wide onto the mat & put to the knee joint together with both the hands resting on the belly.
- Then close the eyes & tune into the breath.
- In this position, you feel the stomach rise & fall.
- During breathing in & out you are engaging with the abs muscle at the bottom of every exhale.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.

Knees to Chest (Apanasana) :
- In the supine position draw your knee joint into the chest,
- And try to hold on to the shins to exhale with engage to abs muscle.
- During the position place your feet on the floor & stretch to arms overhead.
- You are feeling some stretching into the belly & sides of the back of the body.
- On to the exhale position curl up again & repeat this sequence following the breath.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana and Bitilasana) :

- You are raked to the position of the hands & knee joint onto the mat directly underneath to the shoulders & hip joint with inhale to the Cat pose.
- Perform this by tilting the pelvis forward & bending to the spine.
- On to the exhale position & transition to the cow pose then dropping to the tailbone first & curving into the back.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Wide-Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana ) :

- You are placed to the feet wide onto the mat & slowly lower to the upper body & must be keeping to the back long & protected.
- This yoga poses opens up the hamstrings muscle & groin, which relieves the tension in the pelvic floor muscle.
- It is important to move the leg at to own pace to avoid injury.
- When you are folded off the feels a little too intense, when is bent to the knee joint.
- You are also used to the prop under the head for the extra support.
- Then do the breath & incorporate the small Cat-Cow movements that connect to the awareness of the pelvic floor muscles.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Wide-Legged Squat (Malasana) :

- You are standing with the feet mat & distance to the apart & squat down position.
- Try to press to the elbows into the knee joint & heavy to the tailbone & lift to the chest.
- You are placing the hands together into the prayer onto the sternum which helps you connect to the rise.
- Then you fall off to the inhales & exhales.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.

Reclining Cross Shin Position (Supta Sukasana) :
- You are sitting at the top of the mat with your legs crossed comfortably.
- Try to slowly lie back till to the resting flat on the mat.
- You are doing the close to the eyes & rest to the arms at to the sides.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
- For support, you place the blankets or pillows under the thighs.
Hook Lying with Block :
- You are lying on to the back with the knee joint bent and then feet slightly apart.
- Then place the yoga block between the knee joint & then inhale deeply & exhale.
- Then try to squeezing of to the knee joint into the block with the hip adductors muscle.
- You are lifting to the pelvic floor up.
- Try to pull the transverse abdominal muscle toward the spine.
- Must be kept to the feet & back onto the floor.
- Then the lumbar curve is flattened slightly.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) :
- Start this pose in the same position, but this time your feet are together.
- Do the inhale, relax to the pelvic floor muscle then to the transverses abdominis muscle & hip adductors muscle with the knee joint are drop open the sides.
- Do the exhale & bring the knee joint up to the starting position while you are lifting to the pelvic floor muscle.
- Try to pull the transverse abdominal muscle in.
- At the end of the exhalation, occur to accentuate the muscular contraction.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Dvipada Pitham (Two-Footed Pose) :

- First, you are placed to the feet hip joint, width apart & close to the buttocks.
- During inhale push down through to the feet & lift to the hip joint.
- Must be kept to the transverses abdominis & pelvic floor muscles relaxed & soft.
- Do the ex–hale& slowly lower to the hip joint back & return to in starting position.
- Try to pull the transverse abdominis muscle firmly inward.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Supta Prasarita Padangusthasana [Reclining Wide-Legged Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose] variation :

- You are lying perpendicular to the wall with both legs raised & the buttocks against the wall.
- Do the inhale & open the legs wide to relax the transverse abdominis muscle & then to the pelvic floor muscle.
- Then do the exhale with the lift to the pelvic floor.
- Try to contract to the transverse to the sus abdominis & bring your legs together.
- Then squeeze the knee joint together at an end of the breath.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose) :

- In the starting on to the wall, place to the bolster under to the buttocks & let to the upper back& shoulder joint are drape onto the floor.
- Then back from to the wall if your knee joint is want to the bend & the legs are rolling of to the outward.
- For this exercise use a strap just above the knee joint.
- Must be kept to the knees are stable & aligned.
- Then relax all effort & allow the pelvic floor muscle is released completely.
- During this yoga pose Simply observe the breath & the interplay between the diaphragm & pelvic floor.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Maalasana – The Garland Position :

- You are in a standing position for this yoga pose.
- You are standing with your two feet together.
- Try to stretch off to the feet to the apart.
- Fold your hands into the Namaskara position,
- Then Sit down to straight by to the bending to the knee joint.
- Try to push to the chest for the forward.
- Do they breathe the 5 times & relax?
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.
Setu Bandhasana:

- The starting position of this exercise is supine.
- You are lying down on the flat on the back with the palm facing down.
- Bend to the knee joint & bring the feet closer to the buttocks.
- Then lift to the back to bend off to body like as become to arch.
- Hold this yoga pose for 30 seconds & relax.
- Repeat this pose 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 sessions per day.