Hot Water Drinking Benefits

Hot Water Drinking Benefits

Hot Water can support muscle, skin, and joint health. Water helps the body’s cells absorb nutrients and fight infections. Drinking several glasses of warm or hot water each day can offer even more benefits.

Although there is little scientific research on the benefits of drinking hot water, alternative health advocates claim that hot water is an easy way to improve health.

While drinking water at any temperature can promote overall well-being, drinking hot water is thought to provide a number of other health benefits.

Humans have consumed hot beverages for thousands of years. Folk medical literature is full of stories about how hot water can improve health, but researchers have only begun to investigate the benefits of drinking hot water.

1. Hot water to relieve congestion 

Having a stuffy nose is bad. It’s one of the worst things about a cold. A cup of hot water could help with decongestion.

Inhaling the steam from hot water can help you relax your sinuses by loosening them up a bit. This can do wonders for relieving sinus headaches. It’s one of the few times you can inhale something and admit it without ruining your future career.

Hot drinks in general have proven to be the enemy of colds. There’s no cure for the common cold, but a cup of hot water (or tea or cocoa) can help ease the symptoms while you wait for the hell to go away.

Researchers have found that hot drinks can:

  • clear mucus build-up (which can help relieve a sore throat)
  • tribal rhymes
  • put a break on coughing fits
  • generally relieves the symptoms of the common cold

2. Improve the function of the central nervous system

Lack of water, hot or cold, can have a negative effect on the functioning of your nervous system, which ultimately affects mood and brain function.

Research from 2019 showed that drinking water can improve central nervous system function as well as mood.

This research showed that drinking water increased participants’ brain activity during strenuous activities and also reduced their self-reported anxiety.

3. Hot Water might help in Smooth digestion

The benefits of hot water for your digestive system don’t have to stop in your intestines.

The same studies that have shown that warm water can help relieve constipation also suggest that it is generally good for the digestive process.

Your entire GI tract is dedicated to breaking down food. If warm water is good for breaking things down, having some in your guts will make their job a lot easier.

Thanks to physics, warm water dissolves substances much faster than cold water.

The theory is that drinking hot water dissolves substances in your stomach that your digestive system might otherwise struggle to break down. Evidence for this is still fairly anecdotal.

This does not mean that we will not recommend drinking warm water, because as we said, drinking water of any temperature is good.

One of the main risks of dehydration is damage to the nervous system. Like literally everything else in your body, your nerves need water, hot or cold.

There is some evidence to suggest that drinking water can enhance the function of the nervous system. Let it be warm.

Charles Xavier-level psychic abilities are not derived from this anytime soon. But it can have a positive impact on your mood and brain activity. However, the science is inconclusive.

4. Stay hydrated with hot water

Cold water might actually be better for hydration.

But here’s the thing: Drinking water at any temperature is good. All water hydrates you. The only exception is seawater. Don’t drink it.

We cannot express how important it is to drink water. For obvious ethical reasons, this has been under-researched, but the general consensus is that going 3 days without drinking water (or a liquid containing water) is likely to kill you.

5. Reduces shivering

When you’re cold, you shiver. It’s one way your body tries to warm itself up.

It’s not a pleasant feeling and can be a pain in the back for people like telecommunications engineers who do tasks that require steady hands in freezing temperatures outside.

There is strong scientific evidence that drinking a hot drink can stop or reduce shivering when you are cold. Having some warm water in your belly will raise your body temperature. This will satisfy your body’s heat management responses enough to stop the shivering and shivering for a while.

It has no real scientific backing but is probably accepted given what we know about the cardiovascular system and blood flow. 

Warm temperatures dilate arteries and veins and increase blood flow. This is why a warm bath gets your muscles fired up.

There is a chance that drinking hot or warm water has the same effect, but deeper in your system. However, as we said, there is virtually no hard research to prove this yet.

If you’re wondering why this is good, healthy circulation and steady blood flow are some of the best defense mechanisms against arterial and cardiovascular disease. So there it is.

The possible benefits of drinking water for the nervous system may be why some people report that drinking it helps reduce stress levels.

Some people who took part in a 2014 study reported that drinking less water ruined their mood. They felt more agitated, less calm, and generally grumpy as hell.

Other studies have shown a correlation between drinking water and lower rates of depression and anxiety in adults.

There’s also now proven science behind hot tea that’s good for your mood. (And who doesn’t feel better after a cup of coffee?) So enjoying warm water as an earthy herbal drink is OK when it comes to your mental well-being.

6. Helps the body’s detoxification systems

Although there is no definitive evidence that hot water has a specific benefit in this regard, drinking more water can help protect the kidneys while diluting waste products in the blood.

And according to the Arthritis Foundation, drinking water is important for flushing the body. It may also help fight inflammation, keep joints well-lubricated and prevent gout.


The primary risk of drinking hot water is scalding. Water that is pleasantly warm on the tip of your finger can still burn your tongue or throat. One should avoid consuming water that is close to boiling temperature and should always try a small sip before taking a sip.

Drinking hot water in a covered, insulated cup can reduce the risk of spills and burns.

Drinking caffeinated coffee or tea can make a person over-caffeinated or jittery.

One can prevent this by limiting the cups of coffee or tea one consumes, or by replacing caffeinated beverages with plain hot water.

While there is little direct research on the benefits of warm versus cold water, drinking hot water is considered safe and can be a good way to ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day.

Getting used to drinking hot water is easy. Try starting your day with a cup of boiled water, which you let cool for a while. If you don’t drink tea or coffee, try hot water with lemon.

Add some light stretching to your routine and you’ll feel more energized and better equipped to tackle the day.

If the taste of warm water does not appeal to you, add citrus juice – such as lemon or lime – to the drink before drinking.

Drinking warm water before bed is a great way to relax after a busy day. Knowing about the health benefits will help you sleep soundly.

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