Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Table of Contents
What is Adho Mukha Svanasana?
When performing Adho Mukha Svanasana, which muscles are used?
- Deltoids
- triceps
- biceps
- Rotator cuff muscles
- wrist flexors and extensors
- Rectus abdominis
- transverse abdominis
- Obliques
- Erector spinae
- rhomboids
- trapezius
- latissimus dorsi
- Quadriceps
- hamstrings
- Calves
- Glutes
What Are the Physical Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana?
- It keeps the upper body stronger. Downward dogging is a wonderful approach to developing your arms and shoulders because it requires you to bear weight. This yoga pose targets and strengthens your abdominal muscles.
- Increases the flow of blood. When you are in the downward dog position, gravity raises your heart above your head, which improves circulation and blood flow.
- Enhances posture. By opening out your shoulders and chest, a downward dog will assist in positioning your spine and straightening your vertebrae, which will enhance your posture overall.
- Stretch and strengthen your foot muscles. This position stretches and strengthens the major bones and muscles in your body as well as the minor muscles in your feet, including the plantar fascia, the ligament that joins the arch of your foot to the heel. By strengthening this area, you can walk more easily and lower your risk of injury when participating in more strenuous physical activities.
- Stretch and strengthen your foot muscles. This position stretches and strengthens the major bones and muscles in your body as well as the minor muscles in your feet, including the plantar fascia, the ligament that joins the base and sole of your leg. By strengthening this area, you can walk more easily and lower your risk of injury when participating in more strenuous physical activities.
Additional Benefits of the Downward Dog Pose
The following are additional benefits of the downward dog stance:
- The yoga pose is good for the digestive system.
- It encourages blood flow all over the body.
- It eases pain in the ankles and legs.
- Adho mukha svanasana strengthens the shoulder joints.
- It reduces the body mass index (BMI) and helps treat obesity.
- It decreases the chance of organ failure.
- It can help with respiratory issues caused by mucus accumulation.
Which poses are required to prepare for Adho Mukha Svanasana?
- Cat Pose
- Cow Pose
- Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
- Dhanurasana
- Dhandasana
- Puppy Pose
- Plank Pose
- Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
How does the downward-facing dog pose, Adho Mukha Svanasana, performed?
- Curling your toes under and pushing back through your hands will straighten your legs and raise your hips.
- Extend your fingers and press down from the forearms into the fingertips.
- To extend your collarbones, turn your upper arms outward.
- Lower your head and move your shoulder blades from your ears to your hips.
- Tighten your quadriceps to release the weight of your body from your arms. Because of this procedure, this posture can be regarded as a resting pose.
- To make sure that your hands and feet are at the proper distance, step forward into a plank position. In both of these positions, the hands and feet should be at the same distance.
- In Down Dog, keep your tail high, spin your thighs inward, and drop your heels towards the floor.
Adho Mukha Svanasana Video:
What poses should one do after Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose)?
- Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
- Chaturanga Dhandasana
- Urdva mukha svanasana
- Child’s Pose (Balasana)
What Advice Do Beginners Have About Downward Dogs?
It’s more important to keep your spine long than to have straight legs. Therefore, if you notice that your shoulders are hunching or your back is bending, it’s acceptable to keep your knees bent as much as necessary to enjoy the backstretch. Remember that your heels don’t need to touch the floor either. It can be difficult at first, so try the arm spiral motion while sitting on your heels.
You can get better at the posture by practicing it against a wall. Face the wall about a meter or three feet away, with your legs hip-distance apart. Put your hands on the wall using the same movement of the arms as in the earlier steps. Keep your arms and body parallel to the floor as you move your hands down the wall.
Which Equipment and Modifications Are Required for Downward Dog Pose?
Bending the knees to lift the heels a little, supporting the heels with a rolled-up yoga mat, lowering one forearm to the floor, extending the other hand forward, or a combination of these are some ways to alter the posture.
Modified Dog Pose:
- Doing downward dogs on the ground might be difficult. While standing up is a more natural position, doing downward dog in this way can significantly help you learn the exercise.
- Find a wall and stand three feet from it, or far enough away that you can fully stretch your arms in front of you.
- Put your hands shoulder-high against the wall with the tips of your fingers pointing up. Hold your hands in place and create your hips back as you start to lower your head and chest towards the floor. Continue down as deep as you can and hold that position while you hold in your stomach and breathe slowly.
- Continue doing this exercise until you feel comfortable dropping it to the ground.
- If your hamstrings are excessively tight, it is impossible to extend your legs and keep your butt high at the same time. If so, keeping a slight amount of knee flexion is good. Your hamstrings will progressively get longer if you practice various poses each day.
- Put a yoga block under your head to do a more restorative version of the pose. For added comfort, place a folded towel or a block under your wrists.
- You can deepen the pose by raising your heels slightly off the floor and shifting your weight to the balls of your feet. Lift in your pelvis, then drop your heels back to the floor.
- In this posture, if you have sensitive wrists or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, try grasping onto a rolled towel under your palms.
- By alternating between bending both knees and extending the legs while putting the shoulders forward just above the hands, twisting the body, reaching back with one hand to grab the opposite ankle, and flexing one knee and lowering the hip on that side, one can alternately “pedal” by flexing one knee and raising the ankle on one side, then the other, and then grasping each foot in turn in front of the other ankle; lifting one leg and either stretching it straight out or flexing the knee and extending the foot.
- Several different props can help with Downward Dog. The position can be supported with a wrapped blanket or towel under the feet if needed, or with a strap from a safe waist-level wall root around the hips or a bolster under the forehead.
- By resting their hands on the back of a chair and maintaining a horizontal back, people with injuries can improve their posture and reduce shoulder strain.
- To improve arm attention, put pressure on the strap of a belt that is wrapped around your arms just above the elbows. It’s the same with the legs. Wearing a belt around your upper legs above your knees, pull your thighs outward to work on active legs.
What are the Adho Mukha Svanasana variations?
There are several varieties of the downward-facing dog:
- Downward Facing Dog Walk-Out
- Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog to Plank
- Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog Knee to Nose
- Downward Facing Dog Scorpion Kick
- Downward Dog with Transverse Twist
- One-arm Downward Dog
- Puppy Pose
- Figure Four Down Dog
- Dolphin Pose
- One-arm One-leg Downward Dog
Downward Facing Dog Walk-Out
You may reach out your hands from a forward fold position release up your shoulders and deepen the stretch in your inner arms. As you begin to move your hands back towards your toes, take your time so you can feel the stretch in your legs’ backline.
How to do:
- Stand in tadasana with your feet together and your face forward.
- Bending your torso over your legs and slightly flexing your knees will create a forward-fold stance.
- Begin a downward-facing dog position by placing your hands on the floor in front of you, then moving your left hand forward and then your right hand until your hips are up towards the ceiling.
- Place your hands firmly on the mat and your shoulders against your back.
- The calf muscles and calves should feel stretched as your spine lengthens.
- Put your hands out and walk back into the front fold position.
Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog to Plank
This variant on all fours will strengthen your hamstrings and glutes while working your core in all 360 degrees.
How to do:
- Starting in the downward dog position, raise your right leg off the ground until it makes a 90-degree angle with the floor.
- Keep your hips square and your right foot flexible as you raise your leg.
- While keeping your right leg raised, shift your weight forward until your shoulders are exactly stacked above your wrists in a plank position.
- Take three breaths.

Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog Knee to Nose
This pose allows you to test your balance and improve your stability by bringing your knee in for a crunch. Your lower abs will also be worked by the kick at the beginning of this motion.
How to do:
- Assume the downward dog position with your shoulders behind your ears, your heels fixed, and your hands firmly on the floor. Maintaining a square hip position raise your right leg off the ground with your foot straight such that it makes a 90-degree angle with the floor.
- Move your knee closer to your nose by lowering your chin and bending your back as you start to move your weight into a plank position. After three to five breaths, release your right foot to return to the downward dog position.

Downward Facing Dog Scorpion Kick
The key to mastering this difficult position is to use your transverse abdominal muscles to move with control and twist your hips slightly. This downward dog variation relieves stress in your quadriceps and hip flexors while also stretching your spine. In this stance, be careful of your breathing.
- Breathe in as you lift your leg high and out as you flex your knee.
- To get your left foot raised at hip height, lift your left leg out of the downward-facing dog position.
- Keeping your hips and shoulders square, rotate and bend your left knee until your left hip appears on top of your right. Repeat on the right side.

Downward Dog with Transverse Twist
This downward dog works your oblique and lower abdominal muscles while giving your core an individual twist. Your shoulders become more wide and your arms more flexible as a result. You’ll feel as though your sides are stretched.
How to do:
- Hold the downward dog pose.
- Start moving some of your weight to your left side while you lift your right hand off the ground.
- Move your right hand to your left side and reach for your left thigh, outside calf, or under your heel, depending on how flexible you are.
- To deepen the rotation, hold this position for three to five breaths while allowing your neck to rest.
- Put your right hand back on the floor in a downward dog stance before switching sides.

Advice for the Downward Twisted Dog Pose:
- Make your position both wider and shorter.
- Use your thumb and index finger to root.
- Keep your knees flexed and use your legs.
- Put your hips in the middle.
- Extend your upper arm forward.
One-arm Downward Dog
Your arms and core will get an excellent workout from this Single-Arm Down Dog position.
How to do:
- Start with the surface of the table. With the palms facing inward, stretch your left arm in front of you in this position.
- Lift your knees and tuck your toes to get into Downward Dog.
- Repeat on the opposite side.
Puppy Pose
Puppy Pose, sometimes referred to as Half Down Dog, is a great option if you want a more soothing rest position than Down Dog. The puppy position will open up and extend your spine, shoulders, abs, and back.
How to do:
- Start by developing a tabletop stance.
- Start by moving your hands forward and pulling your ribs in towards your lower body rather than lowering your stomach.
- Keeping your forearms held high, place your forehead on the ground.
- As you descend, let your chest melt towards the floor and let your arms rest on the mat, palms facing inward.
- If it is comfortable for your neck, place it on your chin.

Figure Four Down Dog
This variation of the Down Dog is a great method to open your hips and improve your core. Furthermore, it is a great way to get your body ready for Eka Pada Galavasana, commonly known as Flying Pigeon Pose.
How to do:
- Do a “figure four” by stretching your left knee to the left and placing your left ankle on top of your right leg.
- Spread your sitting bones wide, raise your right heel, and keep your hips high.
- Compress your heart towards your thighs as you release the breath.
- Move to the other side.

Dolphin Pose
If you have sensitive or sore wrists or want to get ready for difficult poses like the Forearm Stand, the Dolphin position is a great alternative to Down Dog because it stretches and strengthens the entire body.
How to do:
- Start with Tabletop As you position and lower your arms to the floor, make sure they are shoulder-distance apart.
- Bring your elbows closer than shoulder distance and extend your hands a little.
- Tuck your toes in and raise your hips back and forth.
- Press your forearms firmly in while spreading your scapulae wide.
- Press your inner wrists against the mat.

One-arm One-leg Downward Dog
This Down Dog variant is also known as “balancing downward dog,” or “balancing on one arm and one leg.” Your core strength and stability will be tested, and your arm muscles will get stronger.
How to do:
- Keep your feet together and extend your left leg to return to the Down Dog position.
- Pull your abdominal muscles in and raise yourself onto your right fingertips by reaching your right arm back beside your body.
- Take a deep breath and keep your abdominal muscles strong.
- Repeat on the opposite side.
What problems do you usually make when performing Adho Mukha Svanasana?
Holding relaxed to Your Heels
When doing downward-facing dogs, beginners most often make the mistake of not lowering their heels to the floor. If you are standing on your balls, the posture’s direction changes forward instead of backward. You will never be at ease till you move your weight back into your heels.
The heels don’t have to touch the ground; they just have to be moving in that direction. In this position, your teacher will most likely give you a correction that involves gently pushing or pulling your hips back. Keep that feeling in mind and make the most of it.
Butt Position
To get your buttocks in the proper posture, bend your knees and stand up on your balls for a minute. Place the abdomen on your thighs and lift your sit bones high. Next, straighten your legs and drop your heels while keeping the sit bones in a difficult upward rotation.
Banana Back
If you are very flexible, do not let your rib cage fall towards the floor. This is known as dropping spine or banana back. Pull your ribs in to maintain a flat back.
Foot Position
Your toes should point toward the front of your mat. Especially if they have taken dance courses, new pupils often want to show off.
The distance between the feet can be another problem. Students usually take them too wide (near the borders of the mat) or too thin (touching each other).
Your feet should be hip-width apart, with around 6 inches between them, depending on your size. If you place your feet correctly, relax your heels, and keep your butt high, you will have a strong basis for this pose.
What Safety Precautions Are Required for the Downward Dog Position?
- Correct form and technique are essential for a yoga practice to be both safe and effective.
- This pose is not recommended if you have wrist injuries or carpal tunnel syndrome.
- If you are in the last trimester of your pregnancy, stay away from this stance.
- It should also be avoided if you have vertigo, high blood pressure, problems with your heart, or a slipped disc in your spine.
- Consult your physician before beginning yoga if you have a history of medical problems.
- Yoga poses can be altered according to your needs.
- People who suffer from sciatica, tight hamstrings, weak or stiff back muscles, or knee problems should keep their back straight and their knees contracted when performing Downward Facing Dog.
- To protect your wrists, make sure your first finger’s knuckle is securely pushed down.
- Put the weight back on your hips.
- Maintain a micro-bend in your arms if you move a lot to prevent elbow locking.
- Keep the base of your neck free by shaking and jerking your head to see whether you are hunching up your shoulders.
Which conditions make Adho Mukha Svanasana contraindicated?
There are several contraindications to Adho Mukha Svanasana:
- If you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, damaged retinal structures, poor capillaries in your eyes, or any other infection or irritation of your eyes or ears, you should avoid downwardly facing dogs.
- Additionally, the posture should be postponed until the person is well again if they have had recent or continuous inflammation or damage to their arms, shoulders, wrists, back, hips, legs, knees, or ankles.
What are Adho Mukha Svanasana’s disadvantages?
Downward dogs’ main disadvantage is that they are positioned incorrectly. A person who performs this position incorrectly would soon realize their mistakes as they feel severe aches and pains in their wrists, arms, legs, shoulders, neck, and back.
Even experienced athletes make mistakes from time to time, but a beginers thoughtless mistake frequently results to injury.
It’s about preventing your head from drooping, preventing strain on your shoulders or back, and preventing tension in your arms and shoulders.
As a result of our stressful lives, self-care has become essential. Physical activity and mobility are essential for both physical and emotional well-being. Yoga offers these benefits while additionally improving psychological well-being. The downward dog position is a quick and easy way that improve your overall health.
Does a downward dog improve mobility?
Downward dog is a flexible exercise that improves the strength, flexibility, and mobility of your body’s big and small muscles. Among its particular applications is the relief of neck, back, and shoulder pain.
What are positive effects of adho mukha vrksasana?
By increasing circulation and helping the heart pump fresh, oxygenated blood to the brain, inversions have been shown to be highly stimulating, improve attention and concentration, and reduce stress and anxiety.
What precautions does Adho Mukha Svanasana take?
You shouldn’t try this position if you have wrist injuries or carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, women in their final trimester of pregnancy are not advised to adopt this position. People with heart illness, high blood pressure, vertigo, or a slipped disc in their spine should also avoid this place.
- EkhartYoga. (2024b, August 27). How to do Downward Dog Pose – Adho Mukha Svanasana – Ekhart Yoga. Ekhart Yoga.
- Downward Dog Pose: Health Benefits, How to Do It, Tips and Precautions. (n.d.).
- Dr.Nidhiphysio. (2024, October 10). Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog) Yoga. Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic.
- Ryt, A. P. (2021b, July 16). How to Do Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) in Yoga. Verywell Fit.
- Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga(Downward Facing Dog Pose)| Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (2018, August 15).