
Plank exercise

Introduction: Which muscles are involved in basic plank: Health benefits of doing plank exercise: The followings are the health benefits of doing plank exercises: Different variations of plank exercise: Standard Plank: How to perform standard plank video: Forearm plank: Knee plank: Side plank: Side Plank Crunch: Plank With Hip Dip: Plank With Alternating Arm Raise:…


Tibialis anterior strengthening exercise

What is the tibialis anterior? What is the function of the tibialis anterior? What causes tight tibialis anterior muscles? Health benefits of tibialis strengthening exercise Types of exercises to strengthen the tibialis anterior Seated Elastic Band Exercise Cuff Weight Exercise Isometric Exercise Seated Calf Stretch Seated Toe Raises Wall Toe Raises Heel Walk Single leg…

Oblique crunch

External and internal obliques muscle strengthening exercise

What are external as well as internal obliques muscle strengthening exercises? Health benefits by doing obliques muscles strengthening exercises There have different exercises to strengthen the oblique muscles Bird dog Heel-tap Side plank Side plank with a reach-under Cross-body mountain climber Bicycle crunch Standing core stabilizer Wide side crunch Standing knee tuck extension Walking lunge…


Teres muscles strengthening exercises

What is teres muscle strengthening exercises? What is the difference between the teres major and teres minor? What is the teres major muscle? What is the teres major action? What is the teres minor muscle? What is the teres minor action? Health benefits of Teres major as well as teres minor Strengthening Exercises Different Types…


Infraspinatus muscle strengthening exercise

What is the Infraspinatus strengthening exercise? Health benefits of Infraspinatus strengthening exercise There have different exercises to strengthen the infraspinatus muscle Pendulum Sleeper Stretch Passive External Rotation Side-Lying Wiper Prone Horizontal Abduction with External Rotation Standing External Cable Rotation Prone External Rotation Resisted External Rotation Prone Elevation Side-Lying External Rotation Full Can T-Band Rows Incline…


Supraspinatus muscle strengthening exercise

What is the Supraspinatus muscle-strengthening exercise? Health benefits of Supraspinatus muscle strengthening exercise Different types of Supraspinatus muscle strengthening exercises Prone External Rotation Resisted External Rotation Prone Elevation Side-Lying External Rotation Full Can Prone Full Can Raise T-Band Rows Incline Reverse Lateral Dumbbell Raise When did a patient not do the supraspinatus strengthening exercise? FAQ

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Cat camel exercise

What is cat camel exercise: Health benefits of cat camel exercise: The followings are some health benefits of cat camel exercise: Health Benefits of Cat pose: Health Benefits of Camel Pose: How to perform the cat camel exercise: Cat camel exercise in quadruped position: Breath in for Cat pose Breath out for Camel Pose Video…


Rectus abdominis muscle strengthening exercise

What is the rectus abdominis strengthening exercise? Health benefits of the rectus abdominis strengthening exercise Different types of strengthening exercises for the rectus abdominis muscle Forearm Plank Reverse Crunch Scissor Flutter Kicks Toe Taps Abdominal Crunches Jack Knife Crunch Reach and Tuck Lying Dumbbell Leg Raise Overhead Ball Floor Tap Lying Dumbbell Crunch Overhead Barbell…

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Exercise for Hip osteoarthritis

Introduction What is hip osteoarthritis? Consideration before starting The Exercise The patient must be aware of the benefits and use of exercises Warm up and Cool down Exercise strengthening Exercise for Hip OA Knee to Chest Hip Extension Clamshell Sit-and-Stand External hip rotation (sitting) Heel slide Hip abduction (standing) Short arc quadriceps exercise Bridging Stretching…