Upper back spasm

Upper back spasm

What is a muscular spasm in the upper back? Upper Back Muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle and this commonly occurs in large muscle groups including those in the upper back. Physiotherapy is an excellent treatment of muscular spasms in the upper back. mobilizations of the upper thoracic spine by an experienced…

Trapezius Palsy
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Trapezius Palsy

What is Trapezius Palsy? Anatomy of Trapezius Muscle Origin of the trapezius muscle The trapezius muscle has different starting points along the midline of the posterior neck and back.  Insertion of the trapezius muscle Nerve Supply Blood Supply The vascular supply to the trapezius varies depending on the level.  The action of the trapezius muscle…

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What is Trapezitis? Anatomy of Trapezius Muscle Origin of the trapezius muscle The trapezius muscle has different starting points along the midline of the posterior neck and back.  Insertion of the trapezius muscle Nerve Supply Blood Supply The vascular supply to the trapezius varies depending on the level.  The action of the trapezius muscle The…

splenius muscle
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Splenius Capitis Muscle Syndrome

What is Splenius Capitis Muscle Syndrome? The splenius capitis is a large, broad muscle situated deeper within the back of the neck. The beginning of this flat, thick, and broad muscle begin at the vertebral column, especially from C-7 to T-3. It runs down the back of the neck. Its ending point is situated on…