Effect of Buteyko breathing technique in hypertensive patient thesis

Abstract BACKGROUND: Hypertension can be defined as persistent low blood pressure. It is considered an invisible silent killer as symptoms are usually invisible until a heart attack. Slow breathing has clinical effects on the cardiovascular system, respiratory function, and exercise tolerance. Buteyko breathing exercise is a type of nasal breathing which has beneficial effects on cardiorespiratory…

Segmental breathing exercise
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Segmental breathing exercise: Health Benefits, Procedure, Indication & Contraindications

What is segmental breathing exercise? Segmental breathing exercise is performed in particular area of chest it is usually perform for ventilation and movement around particular area of lung.it will usually performed condition like hypoxemia, fibrosis around chest, pain after surgery, scar around chest, pneumonia, post mastectomy. it will necessary to expansion to particular area such…


Diaphragmatic breathing exercise

What is Diaphragmatic breathing exercise? Diaphragmatic respiratory could be a sort of exercise that helps to strengthen your diaphragm a vital muscle that helps you breathe because it represents eighty-fifth of respiratory. This Diaphragmatic exercise is additionally decision as ventilation technique. The diaphragm muscle has role because the primary muscle of breath and improvement is economical and also the…

Buteyko breathing exercise

Buteyko breathing exercise: Health Benefis, Types, & How to do?

What is Buteyko breathing exercise? Buteyko breathing technique was created by dr bk in 1950. this therapeutic breathing method involves the use of breath retention exercises to control acceleration and volume of breath. this therapy teaches slowly calmly and effectively the use of this breathing exercise is for asthma patients. it is also based on…

Deep breathing exercise: Health Benefits, Types, How to do?

What is Deep breathing exercise? Deep breathing exercise is a relaxation and stress-free fashion, which is generally used for depression, anxiety, and stress-free ways. it’s also called diaphragmatic and abdominal breathing ways it’ll release muscle pressure and lower hypertension. the muscle used for the deep breathing fashion is called the diaphragm which is located bottom…

chest physiotherapy treatment

Postural drainage: Procedure, Indications, Contraindication

What is postural drainage? Postural drainage is a way to help treat breathing problems due to swelling and too much mucus in the airway bronchus of the lungs. Postural drainage is the positioning of a patient with an elaborate lung segment such that gravity has an extreme effect of loosening the drainage of broncho-pulmonary secretions…

Best core exercise for to the back pain


Abstract: Objective: To compare the effect of open kinetic chain exercise and close kinetic chain exercise on pain and function in patients with Low Back Pain. Design: Experimental/comparative study Background: LBP is the leading cause of occupational injury and disability. According to research Low back pain can be treated with kinetic chain exercises. OKC exercises…

Effect of Positional Release Therapy and myofascial trigger point treatment on pain, range of motion and flexibility in the Hamstring muscle

ABSTRACT:  Objective: To compare the effect of positional release therapy and myofascial point treatment on pain, range of motion and flexibility in patients with hamstring trigger point pain.  Design: Experimental/comparative study  A hyperirritable point or spot, usually within a taut band of skeletal muscle or in the muscle fascia, that causes referred pain and motor…