Exercise for Neck pain relief: Easy to Do Home exercise
Neck pain is a common problem that can be caused by a number of factors. The neck, like the back, is a complex structure consisting of bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
Because of the neck’s mobility and flexibility, it’s also one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. The neck is particularly difficult to treat and heal since it has very little muscle tissue and is bordered by vital structures such as the trachea, esophagus, and spinal cord.
Pain in the neck to shoulder region is a common problem that can lead to much bigger issues if it is not dealt with in time. The neck, being the link between your head and your spine, is one of the more complicated parts of your body. So it’s understandable that sometimes the pain can be quite bad. At this point, it’s advisable to get some help.
The best Exercises for neck pain relief are exercises that are gentle and easy to do at home exercise for your neck and do not cause any pain.
One of the most common causes of neck pain is improper posture, which can be caused by sitting at a desk or working on the computer for long periods of time. If you are already suffering from neck pain, you should speak with your physiotherapist/Physician, who may be able to recommend a type of exercise or therapy that will help.
If you are trying to prevent neck pain, the best exercise for neck pain relief is simply to make sure you maintain proper posture.
Neck Exercises can help relieve pain and Muscle spasms, reduce neck stiffness, strengthen the neck, and also improve postural imbalance.
Table of Contents
When and How can I start exercises for neck pain relief?
Exercise is the Best option for neck pain relief, However, it also depends on its cause. If a person has recently had an injury(acute injury), they should consult a Physiotherapist/Physician before starting exercise.
Severe Neck pain can be unbearable and interrupt your day-to-day activity. It can also radiate to other areas of the body, such as the shoulders and arms.
Depending on the Diagnosis of neck pain, treatments will vary, however, the following goal can be achieved with the Help of Neck exercises:
- Improve Neck posture
- Reduce Neck stiffness and increase Neck mobility and improve ROM (range of motion).
- reducing nerve compression
- Improve Neck muscle flexibility
A person can often be benefited from neck pain at home by resting and trying easy to do Home exercises. Although medical treatment mainly NSAIDs are necessary to relieve Neck Pain and inflammation, Ice Pack and Hot Pack are also helpful.
If your neck pain does not get relieved, you may require additional forms of treatment. A physician may suggest visiting a physiotherapist for an exercise program for Neck pain.
Exercise for Neck pain relief
Regular exercise of the neck may help you to relieve muscle pain and improve your Neck movement (Reduce stiffness).
Below, we updated a list of examples of easy-to-do home exercises that are best for neck pain. I will suggest to you how to do the best exercise for neck pain relief. The following is a list of the best exercises for neck pain relief.
- Active Neck movement
- Isometric Neck Exercise
- Isometric Neck extension exercise
- Isometric Neck Flexion Exercise
- Isometric Neck Side flexion exercise
- Isometric Neck Rotation Exercise
- Shoulder Elevation/ Depression exercise
- Shoulder Protraction/ Retraction exercise
- Shoulder Scapular Muscle Strengthening Exercise
Active Neck Movement:
Active Neck movement helps to improve neck stiffness and Range of Motion and is also Easy to do Home exercise.

How to Do Active Neck Movement?
- In Sitting position with your Body straight enough to maintain Good Posture in Char or Bed.
- First start Elevate your Neck (Neck flexion) gradually and try to do in pain free mode as much possible, Hold and Then flex your neck and try to touch you chin to your chest. (Exercise must be Pain-free)
- Do 8 to 10 repetition.
- Then Try to Side flex of your Neck First on left side – try to touch shoulder though your ear. (Side Flexion of Neck)
- 3rd Exercise is Rotation of Neck as seen in Image try to touch your shoulder with chin.
Isometric Neck Exercise (INE):
Isometric Neck exercise is the most recommended exercise by physiotherapists and is also useful in the Acute Phase of Neck pain to maintain muscle strength around the neck.

How to Isometric Neck Exercise?
There are mainly 4 types of Isometric Neck exercise, isometric Neck extension exercise, isometric neck flexion exercise, isometric neck side-flexion exercise, and isometric neck rotation exercise. Out of them start with isometric neck extension exercises while avoid those exercise which are painful.
Please take a sitting upright position on a comfortable chair/Bed, Place your Hands Behind your Neck, and try to push your neck to your hands At the same time maintain your neck straight position, hold for 3 to 5 seconds, and then relax. repeat the same for 8 to 10 times.
Now to do isometric neck flexion exercise, place your Both hands in your foreheads, try to push your down (flex) towards your chest, while your hands maintain straight position of neck as seen in images.
To do isometric neck side flexion exercise, first start with left side, place your hands on side of heads and try to do neck side-flexion and Hands with maintain your neck.
Shoulder Elevation/ Depression exercise:
This exercise also simple and easy to perform at home exercise, This exercise helps to maintain strength around neck muscles mainly the trapezius and related co-muscles.

How do exercise?
In sitting upright position, try to elevate your shoulder as much as possible, Hold for 5 to 8 seconds then relax. Then try to depress your shoulder as much as possible, Hold for 5 to 8 seconds and relax.
First day do 8 to 10 repetitions and gradually increase practice as you improve.
Shoulder Protraction / Retraction exercise:

This exercise also stretches tight muscles around the neck and helps to relieve nerve tension and relaxation.
How to do exercise?
In sitting upright position in comfortable chair, try to take your shoulder in forwards as much possible as you can, maintain for few seconds, then relax, then try to pull backwards of shoulder as you can, Hold for few seconds then relax.
First day do 8 to 10 repetition and gradually increase practice as you improve.
Shoulder Scapular Muscle Strengthening Exercise :

This exercise strengthens the muscles that are located Between the Neck to Shoulder are very important part of the Treatment of Neck pain exercise.
The first Shoulder scapular stabilization exercise is the prone row.
How to Do Prone row exercise?
Take Prone Position on one side of the Bed, so that your arm is hanging straight down. Then, slowly flex your elbow and lift your hand towards your armpit.
The movement should feel like you are pulling on a rope to start a lawn mower.
As you lift your arm, your shoulder area should slowly move backward and upward direction. When your hand is almost to your armpit, hold this position for 5 or 8 seconds, and then slowly lower and relax.
Repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times and gradually day by day increase repetitions as you improve. You can make this exercise more difficult by holding a small weight or dumbbell in your hand and after a few days you can also gradually increase your weight to improve more.