H and I test

H and I Test

What is a H and I Test? The H and I Test is a specific physical examination used by physiotherapists, chiropractors, and other healthcare professionals to assess the stability and integrity of the lumbar spine and the surrounding musculature. It’s particularly useful for diagnosing issues related to the lumbar facet joints, which can be a…

buffalo hump

Buffalo Hump

What is a Buffalo Hump? A buffalo hump, medically known as a dorsocervical fat pad, is an abnormal accumulation of fat between the shoulder blades. This condition can give the appearance of a hump on the upper back, resembling the shape of a buffalo’s hump, hence the name. While it can be associated with certain…

Shoulder Examination

Shoulder Examination

What is a Shoulder Examination? The shoulder examination is a critical aspect of assessing shoulder pain or dysfunction, helping to identify the underlying causes and guide appropriate treatment. The shoulder is a complex joint with a wide range of motion, relying on the coordinated function of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. A thorough shoulder examination typically…

Choose the Right Fertility Treatment

How to Choose the Right Fertility Treatment for You: Factors to Consider

Are you considering fertility treatment but unsure where to start? Choosing the proper fertilitytreatment can be overwhelming, but with the correct information, you can make an informeddecision that suits your needs. In this article, we will guide you through the factors to considerwhen selecting a fertility treatment. Factors to Select Fertility Treatment Understand Your Diagnosis…

anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome
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Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome (ACNES)

What is an Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome? Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES) is a condition characterized by chronic abdominal pain resulting from the entrapment of the anterior cutaneous branches of the lower thoracic intercostal nerves. This syndrome is often underdiagnosed, as its symptoms can mimic other more common abdominal or gastrointestinal conditions, leading…

what is a physical therapy evaluation
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What is a Physical Therapy Evaluation?

A systematic physical therapy evaluation starts with a clinical examination that includes a patient history, system review, and objective data collection. The physical therapist then communicates their findings in an evaluation, which is followed by a prescribed plan of care (POC). Remember that an evaluation cannot be completed unless the patient is thoroughly examined. Preliminary…

Dissociative Amnesia

Dissociative Amnesia

What is Dissociative Amnesia? Dissociative amnesia is when a patient’s mind blocks out important information about yourself, causing “gaps” in your memory. One of the most common reasons your mind blocks things out is to protect yourself from unpleasant, upsetting, or traumatic experiences. This is not the same as simply forgetting something. In most cases,…

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Overview The term “dermatome” is a combination of two Greek words: “derma” meaning “skin” & “tome” meaning “cutting” or “thin segment”. Dermatomes are areas of the skin whose sensory distribution is innervated by afferent nerve fibers from the dorsal root of a single spinal nerve root, which is the portion of a peripheral nerve that…

intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal Neuralgia

What is Intercostal Neuralgia? Neuropathic pain affecting the intercostal nerves is known as intercostal neuralgia. These are the nerves that emerge below the ribs from the spinal cord. Your chest wall and upper trunk are affected by thoracic discomfort, which is typically brought on by intercostal neuralgia. Origin What are the symptoms of Intercostal Neuralgia?…

Egawa's sign

Egawa’s Sign: A Simple Test for Ulnar Nerve Palsy

What is an Egawa’s Sign? The ulnar nerve is a crucial nerve in the arm, responsible for providing sensation and motor control to the little finger and half of the ring finger. When this nerve is damaged, it can lead to a condition called ulnar nerve palsy. This can cause weakness, numbness, and tingling in…