
Exercise to improve hip mobility

What are hip mobility exercises? Health benefits of hip mobility exercises: The followings are some health benefits of hip mobility exercises: Different types of hip mobility exercises: Hip CARs(controlled articular rotation): Hip Flexor Stretch: Hip Rotator Stretch: Butterfly: Traveling Butterfly: Standing Piriformis Stretch: Frog Stretch: Bear Sit: Leg Swings: 90/90 Stretch: 90/90 Front Leg Lift:…

Knees to Chest

Lower back muscles stretching exercise

Introduction: Benefits of low back muscle stretch: There are a few benefits you can get after stretching back muscles. Such as : Different types of lower back stretching: There are many types of stretches for lower back muscles. Some are below: Child’s Pose: How to do: Knee-to-chest stretch: How to do: Piriformis stretch: How to…


Stretches for sacroiliac(SI) joint

What is stretches for the sacroiliac joint: Benefits of SI joint stretching: The followings are the health benefits of performing stretches for the sacroiliac joint: Type of Stretches for the sacroiliac Joint : One Knee to Chest : Both Knees to Chest : Outer Hip Muscles Stretching : Side-lying Quadriceps Stretch : Trunk rotation stretch…

Exercise for occipital neuralgia
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Home exercises for cervicogenic headache

Health benefits of a home exercise for cervicogenic headache: The followings are the health benefits of home exercise for cervicogenic headaches: Home exercises for cervicogenic headache : Chin tucks: Upper Trapezius Stretching: Cat-Cow Stretch: Turn Head Side To Side: Scapular Retraction: Stretching of shoulder blade muscle: Precaution: When not to do these exercises: FAQ


Bridging exercise

What is Bridging exercise? Which muscles do bridging exercises: Health benefits of bridging exercise: The followings are the health benefits of bridging exercise: How can you do basic briding exercises? Different variations of bridging exercise: Bridging exercise with Elevated Feet: Single-Leg Bridge: Gluteal Bridge With Marching: Precaution: When you do not perform bridging exercise: FAQ:


Straight leg raise (SLR) Exercise

What is a straight leg raise? Which muscle does a straight leg raise? Health benefits of straight leg raise: The following are the health benefits of straight leg raise exercise: Diagnostic Testing: How to do straight leg raise exercises: Straight leg raise exercise in the Supine position: One leg raise: Both leg raise: Single straight…


Static Quadriceps exercise (SQE)

What is static quadriceps exercise: Which muscle performs static quadriceps exercise? Health benefits of static quadriceps exercise: Following are the health benefits of static quadriceps exercise are: how to perform static quadriceps exercise? Static quadriceps exercise video: Why do we experience knee pain? How static quadriceps exercise helps with knee pain? Precaution: when you do…

chin tuck ex

Chin tuck exercise

What is a Chin Tuck exercise? Chin tuck exercise is typically one of the key exercises recommended for keeping the head aligned above the spine, rather than drifting forward into poor posture. When done regularly and correctly, chin tucks can help improve the neck’s strength, flexibility, and activity. It Helps to restore the normal posture…